Akshay Kumar’s upcoming film, Laxmmi Bomb has managed to stay in the eye of the storm ever since its first look came out. Well, blame the fact that they decided to cast a cis-male for the role of a transwoman. And now, in the latest turn of events, the film seems to have offended Shri Rajput Karni Sena. The sena is not happy with the film’s title, feels that it is “derogatory” and “offensive” to Goddess Laxmi, and it thus demands a change in the same.
As per a report by Zoom Tv, Karni Sena has also claimed that the makers have “deliberately” chosen a title that lowers the “dignity” of the Hindu Goddess so as to “disrespect” her. Well, if the history was any proof then meddling with the sena will easily land the film and its makers into hot soup. They have very well anticipated the trouble and have thus taken the last minute call of changing their film’s name from Laxmmi Bomb to Laxmmi.
However, it is difficult to say if this would be able to save the film from any subsequent troubles. But as we talk about censorship, this is certainly not the first Indian film that has encountered such trouble. In fact, we have a list of some of the recent films that got caught into serious controversies recently. Care to check out? Read on:
Things were mostly going fine with Deepika Padukone’s Chhapaak right before the actress decided to join the JNU protest hardly three days before the film’s release. Soon enough, #BoycottChhapaak began trending on Twitter. And to find more dirt on the makers, intensive research on its characters was also launched where it was found out that the religion of the main perpetrator in the film had been changed. This, of course, didn’t go well and further catalysed all the protests against the film.
Another one of Deepika Padukone’s films Padmaavat also had to face severe backlash for its portrayal of the Rajput queen, Padmavati. Thus, while the film was initially titled ‘Padmavati” the name was eventually changed to ‘Padmaavat.’ The controversy really caught fire and a number of Rajput caste organisations including Shri Rajput Karni Sena and its members started protesting against it. The film’s sets were vandalised and someone also released a video talking about how Deepika Padukone’s nose should be chopped off.
Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi
You can imagine the kind of controversies that surrounded this film given that Kangana Ranaut has her name attached to it. All of it started with people objecting to the fact that the films showed Rani Laxmibai dancing on a special number which they insisted was against their culture. However, instead of addressing their concerns or ignoring them, Kangana chose to add fuel to the fire by saying, “I am a Rajput and I will destroy them.”
Post that, there was also a lot of commotion pertaining to the post-production of the film where Kangana was accused of usurping the directing credits. What exactly went on with that remains a mystery to date.
While the film enjoyed its share of praise, it also left the Sikh community pretty miffed owing to a couple of scenes. The community had a problem with a scene where Abhishek Bachchan is seen removing his turban and then smoking a cigarette. They also had an issue with a scene where Taapsee Pannu gets married to Abhishek Bachchan in a Gurdwara while thinking about another man. The Sikh community raised that the scenes have hurt their sentiments and therefore asked them to be chopped off which was actually done.
Udta Punjab
Based on the drug problems in Punjab, Shahid Kapoor starrer Udta Punjab had to face a lot of resistance from the censor board that advised the makers to cut a total of 89 scenes from the film especially the ones pertaining to Punjab and politics. For the same reason, the film also faced a lot of protests from Punjab as the people raised an issue with the portraiture of the state.
Otherwise an amazing film, Rockstar got into controversy for its song Sadda Haq that featured a flag with ‘Free Tibet’ embossed on it. It was a controversial political stand and the censor board asked the makers to blur the flags as a prerequisite for it to get approval. However, by then the damage was already done. The Students for Free Tibet (SFT) didn’t like the censorship and also staged protests against the Censor Board.
So fam, which one of these controversies shocked you the most?
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