Hina Khan’s exit from Ekta Kapoor’s popular show, Kasautii Zindagii Kay left her fans disappointed. Although she played a negative character Komolika, she was immensely loved by the viewers. Soon after her exit, the empty villain-shaped hole in Anurag and Prerna’s love story was filled by Mr Bajaj (played by Karan Singh Grover), a businessman who is hell-bent on destroying the Basu family. But in the coming episodes, Bajaj’s entry will be followed by another surprise entry, sooner than we expected!
To catch you up to speed, Prerna Sharma and Anurag Basu are finally ready to tie the knot ‘officially’, but Mr Bajaj has decided to ruin Anurag’s family business and life. Intense, right? Anyway, while this big bad businessman is busy searching loopholes to destroy Basu Industries, the ‘coming up’ teaser shows that he has some help from the inside.
That’s right! Komolika is back!
The teaser shows a confused Mr Bajaj telling Komolika that the file she has given him could destroy her husband (Anurag Basu), to which Komolika responds saying she never forgets to take revenge. Ouch!
Actress Hina Khan announced in March that she will be taking a break from the TV show to promote her Bollywood debut film, Lines and pursue a career in movies. However, it seems like after walking the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival, the actress is ready to rekindle her romance with Kasautii Zindagii Kay. Her character was killed on the show less than a month ago, but it seems Ekta Kapoor couldn’t afford to lose out on her headliner after all.
However, having watched the teaser so many times, we couldn’t help but notice that Komolika’s outfit in the teaser is the same one that she wore the day she was exposed as Anurag’s father’s murderer. So, maybe this scene is a flashback! Maybe Komolika’s character will continue to live beyond the grave. Well, this totally could be the case. After all, no one does twists better than Ekta Kapoor.
Featured Image: Instagram
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