There is a reason why Komal Pandey is one of the most-loved fashion influencers on Instagram. The influencer dresses in the most unusual ensembles, bringing an edge to her looks. Recently, at India Couture Week that took place in Delhi, Komal looked drop-dead-gorgeous in a naked dress she wore for Gaurav Gupta‘s show. She also glistened in gold for Falguni & Shane Peacock’s show. Komal was definitely the best-dressed at ICW. However, it was her look for Kunal Rawal’s show that caught our attention!
Kunal Rawal is a menswear designer who debuted his ‘Dhup Chao’ collection at India Couture Week. His silhouettes conveyed the essence of Punjab and its people. Although he specialises in menswear, fashion has evolved into a broader notion that is no longer restricted to men or women. As a result, the show had a slew of women beautifully sporting menswear! Komal Pandey arrived for the show as a guest and gave us the perfect idea for a unique wedding guest look.
Komal chose an ivory Indo-western co-ord combination with a bralette-style shirt and sharara trousers for her OOTN. The fashionista spruced up the basic and plain ensemble by layering it with an oversized beige sherwani by Kunal Rawal. The sherwani was embellished with embroidery and mirrorwork, providing just the right amount of sparkle to the otherwise simple appearance. This wedding season, raid your boyfriend’s, brother’s, or father’s closet and put their sherwanis to good use!
Komal also showed us how to style a menswear fashion item and make it look feminine with the right styling! She accessorised the look with a heavy choker neckpiece from La Solitaire that featured kundans and green stones. The emerald green stones added a much-needed pop of colour to the white and beige ensemble. Since the neckpiece was already so massive, Komal ditched the earrings and completed the look with a dainty maangtikka.
This shaadi season, we are definitely going to spruce up our mainstream Indian wear by layering it with an OTT sherwani!
Feature Image: Instagram
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