Kiara Advani is a proud material girl who takes her fashion and accessories super seriously. The actress adores luxury brands and is frequently spotted carrying the most expensive bags and dressed in the most extravagant ensembles. On July 31, Kiara celebrated her 31st birthday with her husband Sidharth Malhotra in an exotic location. The diva took the internet by storm as she posted a birthday reel of herself and Sid jumping off a beautiful cliff. While the internet could not get over the pure #CoupleGoals, we couldn’t stop obsessing over her swimsuit!
Kiara did not compromise on the glamm even when it came to her swimwear. The actress flaunted her curves in a black monokini that featured a low scoop neck, and a low scoop back and came embellished with silver studs. Turns out, her birthday swimsuit is much more iconic than one might think. The piece is a creation of American designer, Norma Kamali and is called “Stud Marissa.” The stunning monokini comes with a whopping price tag of Rs 64,399!
The monokini is a legendary piece that has been donned by some of the most stunning fashionistas.
Kylie Jenner
While the outfit is made for the beach and sea, Kylie Jenner turned it into glamorous party wear! The diva wore it like a bodysuit with black jeans and completed the look with black heels.
Selena Gomez
While Kylie wore the iconic piece for a party, Selena Gomez donned it at her concert! She wore it when she shared the stage with Taylor Swift in 2021. We love how she teamed it with biker shorts, thigh-high boots, and a matching choker.
Khloe Kardashian
Khloe Kardashian was also seen wearing the swimsuit during one of her photoshoots. The piece that she was wearing is almost the same one as Kiara’s.
Kourtney Kardashian
This Norma Kamali piece is definitely a Kardashian-approved piece! Kourtney was seen in the one-shoulder Stud Marissa during one of her beach vacations. The diva also raided her sister Khloe’s wardrobe and was also spotted in her swimsuit.
Chrissy Teigen
Chrissy Teigen wore the stunning piece in 2017 on her trip to Salecia Bay in Corsica.
When it comes to fashion, Kiara Advani always dons the most iconic pieces. Hence, her birthday swimsuit doesn’t come as a surprise to us. We wish the actress a very happy birthday and hope that she continues to give us the most gorgeous fashion looks!
Feature Image: Instagram
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