Much has been said about Janhvi Kapoor’s sartorial game but younger sister, Khushi Kapoor isn’t far behind. The stylish sisters are definitely following their mom, Sridevi’s fashionable footsteps. So much so, that cousins and Bollywood’s reigning queens of style, Sonam and Rhea Kapoor even posted Khushi’s latest look on their Instagram stories.
According to Rhea’s Insta story, Khushi Kapoor was heading for her prom night.
Dressed in a brown and grey embellished Falguni and Shane Peacock gown with sheer and feather detailing, Khushi Kapoor looked every bit the glamorous Prom Queen. She was styled by Tanya Ghavri, who has also styled Janhvi and their late mom in the past.
Cousin Shanaya Kapoor also made a fashionable appearance on Rhea’s Insta Story. Dressed in a Nadine Dhody embellished gown, she was also headed for the prom.
Looks like Sonam and Rhea are a great influence on their next-gen Kapoor cousins!
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