After the Maharashtra government allowed films and TV shoots to resume in non-containment zones, the television industry has been slowly getting back to work. But recently, Parth Samthaan aka Anurag Basu of Kasautii Zindagii Kay testing positive for COVID-19 shook everyone. All shoots at Killick Nixon Studio in Chandivali where actor was shooting for KZK were temporarily called off again. And now the other show actors are resuming work again but from their homes. Erica Fernandes aka Prerna has recently revealed that she has been “shooting from home” as a “precautionary measure”.
The actress decided to shoot from home after her co-star Parth and Aamna Sharif’s staff tested positive for the novel coronavirus.
In an interview with a media portal, Erica said, “I tested negative, but the testing was done at an early stage. So, I wanted to wait for a few more days, get another test done after 10 days and then get back to the set. But since we were already on air, we had to continue work and this is the best way forward”.
Talking about how the team is managing the shoots from home, Erica said that she is in charge of everything – from direction to camera to lighting and her hair and makeup. But she doesn’t mind all of it as she has experience of handling these things from the time when she ran her own online channel. Also, the director, the creative team and the cinematographer are always on a video call to monitor her, she added, “My director, DoP and someone from the creative team are always on call. The screen acts as their monitor and they give me cues over the call. All discussions happen on the phone as well. We do retakes only if the mood is not right or I fumble my lines. Otherwise, we okay the take quickly and we have done a pretty good job so far.”
However, the only challenge that she’s been facing is performing without a co-star standing in front of her. She said, “My only challenge has been not having my co-star in front and having to imagine how the other person will react”.
Recalling the pre-pandemic days of Kasautii Zindagi Kay, Erica said that they used wireless earphones while they were shooting outdoors in Kolkata and now, things are so different. “Now, we are shooting over video calls, it shows we are evolving,” she added.
Also read: Celebrating 18 Years Of Kasautii Zindagii Kay With 18 WTF Moments From The Show!
Well, isn’t that we all should be doing? Because restrictions may have been lifted but the pandemic isn’t over yet.
Featured Image: Instagram/Erica Fernandes
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