Twenty one years ago Karan Johar made his directorial debut in Bollywood and gave us Kuch Kuch Hota Hai. The bittersweet love triangle of Rahul, Tina and Anjali was a blockbuster and continues to be a favourite for many. The Kuch Kuch Hota Hai fever is high even two decades after the release of the movie and speculations are rife that KJo is coming up with a remake of this 90s superhit.
However, Karan Johar denied the rumours of a reboot anytime soon. But he did reveal what his dream cast would look like if he ever planned to remake Kuch Kuch Hota Hai.
Talking to the audience at the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne about his dream cast for the movie, KJo said that he would love to cast Ranveer Singh as Rahul for he shares the same energy of Shah Rukh Khan, Alia Bhatt as the spunky and fun-loving Anjali and Janhvi Kapoor as the poised and balanced Tina!
Interestingly, Ranveer Singh, Alia Bhatt and Janhvi Kapoor will soon be seen together in Karan Johar’s Takht scheduled to be released in 2020. Taking more about Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, the producer director said that he didn’t have a script when he went to SRK for the first time to talk about the film. “Kajol and he had promised that they will do my first film. So I remember going to meet him and I had no script whatsoever. I only had a scene in my mind. Which I narrated to him. And he bought into my bullshit. I told him if you like this one scene then I will narrate the entire film to you, which was completely a lie,” added the filmmaker.
According to Karan, before he finalised Rani Mukerji for the role of Tina, he had approached Tabu, Urmila and even Aishwarya Rai Bachchan for the same but everyone turned down the offer. “Ash was the only one who was polite to call me back. It took months to cast for Rani’s part after Aditya Chopra recommended me her name,” said Johar.
Kuch Kuch Hota Hai was not only the highest grossing film of the year, it also broke all the records abroad. In fact, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that the movie was a cult classic for the 90s kids in India.
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