The teaser of Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani has made me even more excited for the film’s release. I am already listening to Tum Kya Mile on loop and adding Jhumka to workout playlist right now. Alia Bhatt looks gorgeous in chiffon sarees, romancing Ranveer Singh against the backdrop of snow-clad mountains. The movie so far looks like everything you would expect from a love story. And to add an extra layer of excitement, Alia recently dropped first-ever Vlog about the film. She revealed some juicy BTS deets from the romantic number.
In the video, titled My first song vlog… all about #TumKyaMile 💛💙💜🧡, Alia revealed how this song was the first thing that she shot for after giving birth to Raha. But the most interesting bit was when the film’s director, Karan Johar, apologised to Alia for making her wear a delicate chiffon saree in the snow.
In the vlog, Karan starts by talking about how he shot the song. He said, “I remember shooting the song on a snow chunk and there was also a round trolley. I always find it difficult how most lead actors in this extreme climate where there is also a fan blowing so that their hair flies and then they have to look romantic, into each other and swing onto those emotions in sub-temperatures. I am like we don’t give credit.” Alia then goes on to share a funny incident from the song’s set and said, “One funny thing happened in that black look when Ranveer’s puffer jacket kept coming in my way. So I had to actually hold his jacket and push it away and keep my neck and cheek on it. “
Hearing this Karan immediately said, “I am really sorry that this sounds unfair, but is there a romance in the puffer jacket and a beautiful saree. It’s some sort of sacrifice.”
Watch Alia’s full vlog below
Alia’s First Song After Giving Birth
Interestingly, Alia shot for this song four months after she gave birth to Raha. Talking about her experience she once shared, “I see the final result, I feel so happy that something I can proudly say that I did four months after a baby. So, I really prepped myself up for this. I wanted it to be outstanding.”
OMG! Can we skip to July 28 already?
Featured Image: YouTube
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