The 2023 Met Gala was special, especially for Indians, as Alia Bhatt made her debut on the red carpet. Keeping with the Karl Lagerfeld theme, the actress arrived in a pearl-doused white gown custom-made by designer Prabal Gurung. Most of us were delighted to see her slay on the red carpet. But there are some netizens claiming that she was only given this prestigious opportunity because of her “godfather,” Karan Johar.
Karan Johar has frequently been called out for “favouring” Alia Bhatt as he launched the actress in his 2012 film Student Of The Year. The director adores Alia like his own daughter, and as per conjecture, the actress landed the majority of her early roles because of KJo’s recommendations to other directors. Designer Prabal Gurung’s Instagram post has now convinced the internet that KJo also has something to do with Alia’s Met Gala appearance.
The speculations began after Prabal Gurung posted Alia Bhatt’s look on his Instagram and wrote a long caption. In the caption, he revealed that he met her for the first time at Karan Johar’s 40th birthday party. He wrote, “I had heard rave reviews about her (Alia) through him (Karan Johar) and my brother Pravesh, who was assisting Karan in her debut film.” This revelation caused quite a stir on the internet.
One netizen wrote, “So they’ve been planning her Met Gala debut for ten years?” Another sarcastically wrote, “Thank you Prabal for this enlightening post! No wonder KJo was silent,” and a third wrote, “She has gotten everything served to her on a silver platter.” These rumours were further fueled when netizens came across KJo’s recent photo with Prabal Gurung at the NMACC launch.
However, a section of the internet also defended her by saying that she has been close friends with Prabal for a long time. And that she only made her debut this year to grab attention in the West due to her upcoming Hollywood project, Heart Of Stone.
Why Didn’t Karan Johar Post For Alia Bhatt?
Netizens are also puzzled as to why KJo did not post a story applauding Alia Bhatt’s Met Gala debut, especially since he posted about Deepika Padukone’s Oscar appearance and even endorsed Aryan Khan’s streetwear brand. While some believe he didn’t do so because he wants to keep his involvement low-key, others believe that things aren’t going well between the godfather and the godchild.
Well, the gossip mills in B-town will never stop churning! Whether it was because of Karan Johar or not, Alia Bhatt slayed on the red carpet at the 2023 Met Gala, and we’re thrilled she’s making waves globally!
Feature Image: Instagram
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