ICYMI, Bollywood star Sunny Deol’s son Karan Deol tied the knot with his longtime girlfriend Drisha Acharya in a lavish yet intimate ceremony. Pictures and videos from the big fat Bollywood shaadi keep on pouring and I am totally living for it.
For the wedding day, the dulhe raja went with a crisp ivory white sherwani with embroidery. His cream safa and zari embroidered shawl perfectly rounded off his whole look. Drisha, on the other hand, went with the classic red Sabyasachi embroidered zardozi lehenga with a tulle dupatta. The bride however ditched any OTT accessory to let her stunning bridal ensemble do all the talking. However, it was her massive diamond engagement ring that has all our attention, and rightly so.
Karan took to his ‘Gram to share the pictures with the sweetest caption, “You are my today and all of my tomorrows ❤️ The beginning of a beautiful journey in our lives. We are overwhelmingly thankful for the abundant blessings and well wishes that surround us!” Here, take a look at the lovely pictures.
Karan and Drisha definitely look like a match made in heaven and we are elated. Here’s wishing the couple a lifetime of happiness and health. Cheers!
Featured Image: Instagram
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