Bollywood’s latest it couple, Ishaan Khatter and Janhvi Kapoor, recently made an appearance together on the small screen. The duo was last seen together in 2018’s blockbuster Dhadak. There’s no doubt that Janhvi and Ishaan enjoy each other’s company, and last Sunday, the two were seen together on Movie Masti With Maniesh Paul.
Janhvi posted an adorable video from the show, captioned “Watch me travel back to time with @ishaankhatter only on Movie Masti with Maniesh Paul, tonight 9:30 PM only on #ZeeTV. #ThrowbackTo90s #LOLWithManieshPaul #MovieMasti @manieshpaul @ishaankhatter @zeetv”
What do you think? Who did it better? Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol or Janhvi and Ishaan?
In the video, Janhvi and Ishaan are seen recreating scenes from some iconic Bollywood movies, like Shree 420 and Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge. They seem to have had a ball on the show together. Here are a few snippets of the episode to prove that!
Here’s another one where Janhvi admits to being really nervous around Ishaan.
Don’t they look adorable together?
On the work front, Janhvi is working on diverse projects — Karan Johar’s Takht, Dostana 2 and Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl. Ishaan is prepping for Khaali Peeli with Ananya Panday.
Featured Image: Instagram
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