
Doing This One Thing Is The Best Way To Curb The Coronavirus Outbreak, And It Is Up To You

Tanya Sharma  |  Mar 17, 2020
Doing This One Thing Is The Best Way To Curb The Coronavirus Outbreak, And It Is Up To You

Classes suspended, cinemas shut, grocery stores empty, hospitals overcrowded–this isn’t a scene from a post-apocalyptic fictional novel, but the reality of our world today. As of this moment, 185,461 people have contracted the novel coronavirus all over the globe. Out of these, 7,332 have succumbed to the deadly virus origin of which can be traced to a wet market in Wuhan, China. In India, a total of 125 people have tested positive for COVID-19, and three people have succumbed to it. While scientists across the globe are working endlessly to find a cure for this disease–at present, there isn’t one.

During such trying times, social distancing is the need of the hour. If you have the privilege to work from home, we urge you to limit your social interactions to the bare minimum. So spend your day indoors, catch up with your colleagues over Skype calls, binge-watch that web-series you’ve been saving for a rainy day and take this opportunity to spend quality time with your loved ones.

However, it is very important to remember that this is not a national holiday, and you shouldn’t use the extra time on your hands to go out and socialise. We, as healthy and able human beings, have a moral and social responsibility to take social distancing very seriously. Look, we know what you’re thinking–the average mortality rate is 3.4% and the infection is only dangerous for someone over the age of 60 or with pre-existing health conditions. So if a young, healthy person like you were to contact it, chances are that you will survive it. 

Also Read: Coronavirus In India: What Is Self-Quarantine & How To Do It The Right Way

But while you bounce back to health with ease, you could be spreading the deadly virus to vulnerable sections of our society–and you will leave them fighting for their life. It’s time to understand that this is bigger than all of us, and we, as a society, need to work together and keep each other safe. So pause your gym membership, cancel your weekly ‘catch-up’ drinks and ask your boss to let you work from home.

Here at the POPxo HQ, we’re taking this pandemic very seriously, and our Founder and CEO, Priyanka Gill, has asked us to work from home. We’re also using our extra time to spread awareness and talk about the importance of social distancing. So talk to your friends and family, and tell them that this is not the time to step out. It puts them and those around them at risk. We’re constantly stuck to our phones–posting about it on social media. Post. Tweet. Snap. It doesn’t matter if you sound like a broken record–say it over and over again till you reach as many people as you can.

What Is Social Distancing?

According to the Ministry of Health, ‘social distancing is a non-pharmaceutical infection prevention and control intervention implemented to avoid/decrease contact between those who are infected with a disease-causing pathogen and those who are not, so as to stop or slow down the rate and extent of disease transmission in a community. 

In simple terms, it means keeping away from other people physically. Try to avoid crowded places like bars, weddings, funerals, sporting events and other large-scale public events–and if you really have to be out and about, keep a minimum distance of six feet away from anyone you interact with.

The government recently issued a notification enforcing social distancing, which proposed shutting down of all educational establishments, gyms, museums, cultural and social centres, swimming pools and theatres. The ministry has also urged private sector organisations/employers to allow employees to work from home wherever feasible. 

With the government taking such drastic measures for the health and safety of its citizens, it is our responsibility to make sure that we are strictly following these guidelines

So, we’re staying home. We’re working from home. You should too. Tell as many people as you can that this is not the time to step out. Make some noise. Post on social media. Call your family and friends. If you can convince even one more person to #StayHomeStaySafe, it will have a big impact.

Do it for our parents and grandparents. Do it for those who can’t stay home. For those who have a weak immune system. Remember, this one little step can save lives.

Featured Image: Shutterstock

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