In Nov 2022, Isha Ambani and Anand Piramal welcomed their twins, Aadiya and Krishan. And to make the most of this joyous occasion, a while ago, Isha received a very thoughtful and unique present for her daughter Aadiya Shakti Piramal.
We stumbled upon pictures and videos of hamper huge red hamper that Isha’s daughter received. The idea for the carefully curated gift came from Aadiya’s auspicious name–Shakti. It features her name ‘Aadiya Shakti’ written in Hindi and in gold on the top. In addition to this, the hamper also has nine steps, each one having different names of Goddess Shakti written on it along with its meaning.
Furthermore, the hamper also features 108 bells that represent 108 chants from the Vedas. The customised hamper was curated by Gifts Tell All, who took to their ‘Gram to share pictures and videos of the same.
Gift All Tell also shared a BTS video. Here, take a look:
The cost of this hamper is unknown. But we bet that just like their other gifts and luxuries this too comes with a hefty price tag. However, it is the thought behind the hamper that is winning our hearts. Thoughtful and full of love!
Featured Image: Instagram
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