No matter what anyone says, women have always had it hard, and we still do. Despite the progress we’ve made and the freedoms we’ve gained, the deeply ingrained patriarchy in our society remains stubbornly unchanged. Take dowry, for instance—while it is illegal and widely condemned as an evil practice, many people still uphold and justify it. What’s even more shocking is that it’s not just men who support this mindset; women, too, often find ways to defend it just like this influencer.
Entrepreneur and blogger Tanya Mittal recently shared a clip from a podcast on her Instagram page. In the clip, she talks about how difficult it is for men in today’s society and how it is okay to offer them money. While I agree that both genders have faced their fair share of struggles, the logic and conviction she uses to justify her point are truly astonishing. Take a look:
Of course, there was a certain section of men who supported her and wished for a wife like her.
However, people on Reddit called her out for sugarcoating dowry.
In the video, Tanya claims that men are often forced into marriage, pressured to earn, and pushed to take on responsibilities, whereas women supposedly have it easy and can do whatever they desire at any point in life. However, what Tanya seems to overlook is that we still live in a patriarchal society. While women are stepping out to earn, they are still expected to manage the household and fulfill the role of a homemaker. On the other hand, men are primarily seen as breadwinners and little else.
What Tanya seems to be forgetting is the pressure of dowry that many women and their families face even today. To normalise this in the name of ‘help’ only makes matters worse and makes her sound ignorant to the struggles of many.