Imagine the heartwarming chaos of “FRIENDS” set in vibrant India – a desi twist on the beloved sitcom we all miss. Picture a group of friends navigating the bustling streets of Mumbai, celebrating lively festivals, and embarking on hilarious misadventures. From a lovable nerd who’s a sucker for history to a fashion-forward city girl chasing her dreams in Bollywood, the Indian “FRIENDS” would blend culturally tapestry with universal themes of love and friendship. If you’re trying to imagine what the sitcom would look like in India, don’t think too far. Get ready for a delightful twist!
The genius of AI has brought us a reimagined version of everyone’s favourite show and trust us, it is not to be missed!
Chandler & Monica’s Indian Wedding
#Mondler take a desi turn! Imagine Monica having to clean up after an Indian wedding? That would certainly be her best after-party!
Ross & Rachel’s Intimate Wedding
We hope Ross didn’t say the wrong name during the mantras! Can we imagine him saying, “Main Ross, tan mann dhan se Rachel ko apni patni manta hu?”
Phoebe’s Pati Parmeshwar
In the Indian universe, Phoebe and Mike would’ve gotten married in the streets of Mumbai on a rainy day!
The Imperfect Sona Munda
Joey would be that “bhai ka friend” who’d be hitting on every girl at the wedding, asking them if they would share a gulab jamun with him.
The Inseparable Sahelis
Monica and Rachel would be the perfect Indian bridesmaids who are loved by all dadis but have secretly taken a shot in the bathroom.
Desi It Girls
Rachel is pretty in every universe! We’d die to relish on Monica’s chicken biryani while Phoebe plays her classy sitar!
Desi Mundas
What would be the Joey’s special in India? Two plates of samosas with extra chutney! Also, would Chandler and Ross still be failure and flirting? I don’t think so!
This stunning images have been imagined by Arjun Sajeev whose page is called Imagin-AI-tion. What a fab job!
Feature Image: Instagram
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