
India Falls To 102 On Hunger Index & This Is Not What We Wanted To Know On World Food Day

Naina Sharma  |  Oct 16, 2019
India Falls To 102 On Hunger Index & This Is Not What We Wanted To Know On World Food Day

Its World Food Day today and what we are hearing is not quite good a news. From 55 in 2014 to 102 of 117 in 2019, India has slipped 47 ranks in the Global Hunger Index
(GHI). Our ‘developed’ country is behind neighbouring nations like Nepal, Pakistan and Bangladesh. 

The Global Hunger Index scores 117 countries on a 100-point ‘severity scale’. The country marked zero has the best score with no hunger at all while 100 is the worst/ most serious scale to be ranked at in the list. According to a report released by two international non-profit organisations that work for GHI, the countries are marked on a deep analysis of hunger and malnutrition conditions.

“Using this combination of indicators to measure hunger offers several advantages. The indicators included in the GHI formula reflect caloric deficiencies as well as poor nutrition. The undernourishment indicator captures the nutrition situation of the population as a whole, while the indicators specific to children reflect the nutrition status within a particularly vulnerable subset of the population…” says the GHI report.

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The GHI tracks hunger at all levels- regional, national as well as global. It is an annual report which has been collectively published by Germany’s Welthungerhilfe and Ireland’s Concern Worldwide. 

The four key parameters on which the index has been calculated are: child wasting or low weight for height of children under five years, undernourishment (children who have a low weight for their age), child stunting or the share of children under five years who have a low height for their age and also child mortality rate under five years.

“Because of its large population, India’s Global Hunger Index indicator values have an outsized impact on the indicator values for the region… India’s child wasting rate is extremely high at 20.8 percent – the highest wasting rate of any country in this report for which data or estimates were available,” the GHI report says.


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While India ranked 55 out of 76 nations in 2014, it ranked 100 out of 119 countries in 2017, 103 out of 119 countries in 2018 but the drop isn’t a healthy one at all. 

Well, we are now hoping for an urgent intervention.

Featured Image: Shutterstock

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