It feels like yesterday when Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan welcomed baby Taimur into the world. For the longest time, we have been obsessed with Tim-Tim’s adorable snaps on our Insta feed. Last night, Kareena decided to make our day extra special by dropping some adorable snaps from his pre-birthday bash.
Ahead of Tim’s sixth birthday, Saif and Kareena threw a Star Wars-themed party. A pre-birthday bash was organised for the little munchkin on Thursday night and it looked hella fun. Sharing a photo of Taimur, Kareena wrote. “Ok a clear sign the party was a hit ❤️🥳🥳My Jedi Tim❤️”. The Jab We Met star shared another photo where Saif, Kareena and Tim posed in front of the decorations and it was the perfect family picture. Scroll down to check out all the snaps from the party.
Make Way For The B’day Boy
Fam Jam!
Meet The Jedi Knight
When Kareena Talked About Nation’s Obsession With Taimur
Taimur is one of the most papped star kids in Bollywood. From his school picnic to play dates, everything makes it to the ‘Gram. In an earlier interview, Kareena spoke about the world’s obsession with Tim and said, “He’s constantly being watched and he realizes he’s being clicked now. This culture has been there for a while now and nobody is asking anyone not to do their job. But we are just asking for a little space because they are children and we want them to grow up in an environment which is safe and secure, where they can be the way they want to be.”
“I don’t want him to grow up in a way where I’m covering my child’s face. I think that would scar him even more,” Bebo added.
NGL, we look forward to seeing what areena and Saif have planned for Taimur’s birthday on December 20. We bet it is going to be another gala affair!
Featured Image: Instagram
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