
How To Unblock Your Baby’s Nose Naturally: 7 Tips That Actually Work

Sudeshna Chakravarti  |  Sep 19, 2022
How To Unblock Your Baby’s Nose Naturally: 7 Tips That Actually Work

Does your baby have a stuffy nose? Is the nose block making your little one fussy and cranky and interrupting their sleep cycle? Well, fret not parents, as, in this post, we tell you how to unblock your baby’s nose naturally and when you should seek medical help from a doctor.

Since your baby cannot blow their nose themselves, these methods will help soften the mucous in their nasal passage and eventually clear the congestion to offer relief. All these remedies are natural and effective and can be easily implemented at home. Let’s find out more about the best ways to clear your baby’s nose. 

How To Tell If Your Baby’s Nose Is Clogged?

Other than the obvious signs of an infection or a cold, if your baby has noisy breathing, is snorting, or finds it difficult to feed, then chances are they have a stuffy nose, which is making them uncomfortable. Another sign of a congested nose is your baby trying to breathe through their mouth instead of their nose. 

While mild congestion isn’t worrisome, a heavily congested nasal passage in babies can be a bit concerning, especially when it comes to eating and sleeping. In the next section, we have listed some of the natural ways to clean your baby’s nose and provide relief from congestion. 

Natural Remedies For Soothing Nasal Congestion

There are many natural remedies that you can use to decongest your baby’s nasal passage

Use Saline Drops Or Spray

One of the easiest ways to clean your baby’s nasal passage is by using a saline drop or spray. A saline drop or spray works by thinning out the mucous, and allowing the nose to clear, thus easing congestion. If you don’t have saline drops or spray at home, you can make one right at home, using kitchen ingredients.

Make a cup of warm, filtered water, and add ½ a tablespoon of salt to it. Stir the mixture properly, and cool it completely, before administering it to your baby.

Tilt your baby’s head back, and use a dropper to squeeze a couple of saline drops inside their nose. Follow it up with tummy time or by tilting your baby’s head on the side, so that the mucous drain naturally. Keep a soft tissue handy to wipe their nose, and repeat this process at least twice per day. 

Place A Humidifier In Your Baby’s Room

Fill a humidifier with cool water and place it in your baby’s room. Do not add any other medication to the humidifier water. The plain moisture from the humidifier is enough to prevent your baby’s nose from stuffing up and provide relief while they sleep at night. If you can, use a humidifier even when your baby isn’t sick or has a congested nose. This is because a humidifier adds moisture to dry air, which prevents itchiness or dryness in your baby’s nasal passage and helps them sleep soundly.

Try A Steam Session

Steam can work wonders for soothing nasal congestion by loosening dry mucous. Run a hot shower in the bathroom for a few minutes and allow the room to become steamy. Now sit in the bathroom for about 20 minutes with your baby. It can help loosen the congestion and drain the mucous naturally. After the mucous drains, use a soft cloth to clean their nose gently. You can also add essential oils like peppermint oil and eucalyptus oil to the steam water to make breathing easier.

Change Their Sleeping Position

Place a towel below your baby’s head for elevation and soothing nasal congestion

Like any parent, you may often wake up several times throughout the night to check on your baby, especially when they are sick. If you think that your baby’s nose is heavily congested and they aren’t breathing properly, you can try switching their sleeping position.

Place a towel below your baby’s head in the crib to raise it slightly. This will elevate your baby’s head and help them breathe better during naptime. 

Give Them A Chest Rub

A natural chest rub at home, using a thick lotion, or essential oils, such as chamomile, lavender, and eucalyptus can help relieve nasal congestion in your little one. You can also look for some natural and chemical-free over-the-counter chest rubs to soothe your child’s condition. Simply rub a small amount of lotion or essential oil in your baby’s chest while putting them to sleep.

Use A Nasal Aspirator

A nasal aspirator is also an effective device that helps unclog your baby’s nose and offers relief. It also works well in combination with other nose cleaning techniques that have been discussed earlier. For instance, you can use a little saline spray to loosen up the mucous in your child’s nasal passage, and then follow it up with a nasal aspirator. This will help get all the gunk out effectively, leaving your baby breathing much better.

Encourage Hydration And Rest

Your baby needs more sleep when they are sick, so make sure to encourage frequent nap times to help them recover faster. Also, keep your baby well-hydrated throughout the day, as that can help loosen the mucous and relieve congestion. If your baby is breastfeeding, then feed them in an upright position to prevent congestion.

When To Visit The Doctor?

If your child is breathing through their mouth and refusing to eat, then you should immediately take them to the doctor

Oftentimes, your baby’s nasal congestion may not be a cause of concern, but in some cases, you may have to seek medical help and treatment. Make sure to visit your child’s paediatrician under the following conditions:

Now you know how to unblock your baby’s nose naturally. Use these effective methods at home to clear your little one’s nasal passage and offer relief. In addition to this, you can also use nasal aspirators to remove congestion. However, if your baby’s nasal congestion persists, or they are having trouble breathing, and cannot feed, then make sure to consult a paediatrician right away for proper treatment and care.

Also read:

Remedies to treat nasal congestion in toddlers: Check out this post to know the different causes of nasal congestion in toddlers and effective remedies to soothe them.

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