In a world where we can’t even find a matching bra for the next day, everybody is looking for love. It’s not enough that we need to study, find a job, have a social life but we also need to figure out how to get a boyfriend now?! Whatever happened to Prince Charming finding his way to our tower, right? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here is our 10 step ‘how to get a boyfriend’ guide for the lazy girl!
Step 1: Tell your friends
Let your friends know that you are single and ready to mingle. It might sound a bit weird but your friends know the kind of person you are, so the next time they meet a cute single guy who seems decent, you should be the first single person to pop-up in their minds. Go ahead, find all those long-lost friends who have pictures with hot and interesting looking men on Facebook and give them a call.
Step 2: Join a dating app
Hey, don’t judge yourself. There is nothing wrong with joining a dating app. While you will find your fair share of creeps in the online world, there is a chance – yes, there is a chance – that you will find someone who might just make the cut. This will also save you the trouble of actually getting out of bed and making an effort to look good and then end up not meeting anyone interesting.
Step 3: Skip the hottest bar, visit a sports bar instead
In case dating apps fail you and you’re ready to step out to find someone, utilize your Saturday nights. But, skip the ‘hottest bar’ in town. Yes, the hottest bar is where you’ll find boys who’re up for a one night stand. But since, you are looking for something more than just a hookup, go visit a sports bar instead. Even if you don’t know enough about sports, you might just find a few decent fellas who would love to explain the game to you!
Step 4: Don’t go in groups when boy hunting
It is the nature of women to head out in large groups when another friend is on the hunt for a man. However, it might not be a great idea. You don’t want guys to get intimidated by the crowd around you. Go out with one or two friends who can stand up next to you when needed but also know when to step back.
Step 5: Use your eyes to flirt
So now you have found someone who looks interesting but mustering the courage to walk up to him, and then figuring out what to say to him is just taxing! Don’t fret, you can actually show him you are interested by not uttering even a single word. Go sit opposite him so that he can clearly see you and use your eyes to flirt with him every time you make eye contact! See if he continues to make eye contact and if he does, then pass him a smile. If you really feel he is interested then ask your friends to leave you alone for 5-10 minutes and then just wait for him to notice that and walk up to your table!
Step 6: Avoid any serious conversation
A strong and serious conversation can be a turn off when you are just starting to get to know a person. So try not to discuss the counter-effect of Brexit on India. It’s important, yes, but maybe you can just talk about how great the music is and get a smooth conversation flowing first instead!
Step 7: Make use of social media
Now that you’ve actually had a great time with the guy and he even asked for your number, but now what? One meeting is not enough to prove whether he is a creep or not, right? Here, you can use your overly developed social media skills and check out his profiles on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and wherever else you can find him! Get to know him before you get to know him!
Step 8: Send him a GIF
Starting conversations, even on texts, is such a time consuming thing to do. What do you say? How do you say it without sounding really desperate? Lucky for you, the world today has the answer to this dilemma – GIFs. They’re super cool, funny and don’t require any thought at all. Send him a funny GIF and he’ll be like – ‘What does that mean? Does she want me or does she not want me?’ Keep the mystery going until you know whether you do or not!
Step 9: Netflix and chill
Once you know you do want him, call him over to catch some shows on Netflix and just chill. Make sure you do have a Netflix account beforehand though! This way you will actually know how different or similar your tastes in TV shows are. After all, it is a very important part of any relationship.
Step 10: Wait it out
Someone wise once said ‘Love happens to those who wait…’ Patience is extremely important when it comes to finding the right man. Even if your ‘Netflix and chill’ session turns out to be a total failure because you want to watch Suits and he’d rather watch The Tudors, don’t lose hope. The right person is always around the corner!