
How To Control Anger: All You Need To Know About Anger Management

Niyati BudhirajaNiyati Budhiraja  |  Sep 26, 2018
How To Control Anger: All You Need To Know About Anger Management

Have you ever felt an emotion so strong that it makes you want to express your dissatisfaction in an ugly way? You get so blinded by this feeling that you don’t see anything and you say things, do things that you regret later. This emotion is anger. It’s natural and can be both positive and negative in nature, depending on its degree.

We all get angry, don’t we? Sometimes, even a small trigger makes us snap. It is a human emotion that needs to be expressed, in degrees, but it doesn’t do any good to lash out at people around us or break things. If you want to control or manage your violent outbursts at the bat of a hat, read to know what you can do to stay calm.

Anger Management  
Symptoms Of Anger Issues   
Triggers To Anger  
Control Anger Outbursts At Home  
Express Your Anger In A Healthy Way  
Self-Help Books   
Therapy Centres In India  

What Is Anger Management?

Anger management is the process of cooling one’s temper. It helps you calm down while handling tensed situations. It doesn’t mean that you will suppress the emotion – you will just understand how to prevent situations where you can get frustrated and you will learn how to use the emotion in a positive way.

The truth is that you can’t control your surroundings, but you can work on yourself and your reactions. Anger management allows you to do so in various ways. Recognize the signs and try to express yourself without getting too upset. It’s a tricky situation, but counseling has proved that you can prevent and control your anger.

Warning Signs/Symptoms That Prove You Have Anger Issues

You must be wondering how you can find out if you need anger management, right? Here are the warning signs/symptoms that’ll help you recognize if you need to manage your temper.

Take A Test To Know If You Have Anger Issues

Are you unsure if you have anger issues and if you need anger management? You can take a quick test online, answer a few questions and get the results immediately.

Psychology Today has a five-minute test that asks you to answer ten questions truthfully in order to receive the most accurate results.

Click here to take this test.

What Are The Types Of Anger Disorders?

What Are The Triggers To Anger?

How To Control Anger Outbursts At Home

How Can Anger Management Classes Help?

Anger management counseling sessions are held by a professional counselor or psychotherapist who specializes in helping people suffering from anger issues.

Anger management therapies can be a one-on-one session or a group session. The professional help you first recognize the problem and then helps you to solve it. For best results, one must research well and go for a counselor that you think you will be comfortable talking to.

Different professionals may use different techniques to help overcome anger issues. Broadly, a six-step approach is used to tackle this anger when it arises.

The main aim of the anger management classes is to help you identify the triggers and cope with them. They teach you behavioral skills and ways of thinking that will help you control your anger. The counsellors help you change how you think and react to certain situations and teach to be assertive because being able to express yourself assertively will make you will feel more in control of situations that you’re in.

Ways To Express Your Anger In A Healthy Way

1) Vent to a friend – What are friends for after all! Talk it out with a friend. Don’t let it stay bottled up inside you. That will only suffocate you and make you more negative. Sometimes, you need someone to talk to you. This will help you understand what really went wrong also, their suggestions might help you see the situation in a new light.

2) Write it out – Writing out what is making you angry is one of the best ways to vent it out. This way, you end up feeling light and no one gets hurt. You can dump all your temper on paper and take the load off your chest. Get this journal (Rs 249) and start unwinding by writing down your angry thoughts.

3) Rant in a closed space – Scream into a pillow or rant in your car with the windows rolled up. This will help you let it all out without anyone knowing what you had inside of you.

4) Sing or dance out your anger – Sing your favourite songs, use a karaoke set or even come up with your own lyrics, it’ll lighten up your mood. And if you want to release the stress that’s aggravating your temper, then sway to some peppy music. This will make you feel a whole lot better.

5) Draw or paint – Take a piece of paper, crayons or some paints and draw or paint whatever comes to mind. Colour the paper as per your whims and fancies. It’ll boost your imagination skills and calm you down.

6) Play a sport – Sports are a means of catharsis. You can vent out all your temper by letting adrenaline kick in and releasing all the toxins. Yoga will also really help. Read our guide to yoga and get started.

How To Help A Loved One Deal With Anger Issues

1) Avoid triggers that can anger them – You know your loved ones inside out. You know exactly what acts as a catalyst to make them furious. So, avoid saying such things or hinting at them.

2) Don’t beat around the bush – Your loved ones need some clarity. They don’t want to be confused or misled while they’re inflamed. Make sure to keep your perspective straight-forward and objective. This way they’ll understand your point better.

3) Give them time to cool down – In case of a tussle, let them calm down before you start confronting them. Give them some space to contemplate the situation and retrospect later. Let them be. But do talk it out with them after they cool down.

4) Tell them the demerits of anger – Let them know that they’re extremely hurtful and turn bitter when they’re angry. This can cost them their relationship with their loved ones. Tell them that it’s important for them to let go of the temper than the person.

5) Anger management classes – Anger management classes work wonders. If you feel that your loved one needs a personal counselor to help them tame their temperament, they book an appointment for them and tag along.

Self-Help Books That Can Help You With Anger Management

The anger management self-help books are resources for assessing and identifying anger disorders. They come in handy as they offer guidance to tackle anger issues and step-by-step behavioral programmes. These books help you determine the root causes of anger and all the triggers that make you lose your calm in various situations. Most importantly, they teach you how to stop wounding people around you who care about you. These anger books offer a wide range of anger management techniques. Check out the list below and grab one if you need it or buy it for a friend.

Everyday Lifestyle Changes That Can Help With Anger Management

1. Think before you speak – Take a few moments to collect your thoughts before saying anything. Take a deep breath and think it through. Get some clarity of thought in your head and allow others involved in the situation to do the same.

2. Express your anger once you’re calm – We mostly regret the things we say in the heat of the moment. So, calm down and then express your dissatisfaction. This way, your reactions will be more justified.

3. Identify the reasons that made you angry – Not always does the situation make you angry. Sometimes, it’s only a catalyst that triggers the situation. Maybe you were irritated because of something else which made you overreact to a situation and snap at the person in front of you.

4. Take a timeout – Take a timeout from your mundane routine and do something that you love. The happier you are on the inside, the less upset you’re likely to get in situations. Try baking or gardening. They help you detox and calm your nerve cells.

5. Practice relaxation skills – Do yoga, stretching exercises, massage your neck and shoulders. Also, try deep breathing exercises or imagine a relaxing scene. This will help you to become more positive and relaxed.

6. Don’t hold grudges – Try not to let negative emotions build inside you. Look at the brighter side and learn to forgive people. Don’t hold grudges for too long. Every situation in life teaches you something, so take that lesson and move on.

7. Empathize – Try walking a mile in someone else’s shoe and you’ll know what’s bothering them. This way you’d want to not add to their plight. This will make you more sensitive towards people around you and help you become a better soul.

8. Engage in a healthy confrontation – Fights happen. It’s normal. People have different opinions and hence, they’re bound to clash. Every time you find yourself stuck in such a situation, try to have a healthy conversation. Avoid swearing or getting physical, instead talk things out logically.

Top Centres Around India For Anger Management Therapy

Counseling & Hypnosis Clinic

Fee: Rs. 1,500

Timing: Monday-Saturday (8:00 AM-8:00 PM)

Address: 215, Vipul Agora Mall, MG Road, Gurgaon

Landmark: Near Sahara Mall

Dr. Munia Bhattacharya, W Pratiksha Hospital

Fee: Rs. 1,000

Timing: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday (9:00 AM-12 NOON)

Address: Golf Course Extension Road, Sushant Lok Phase 2, Gurgaon

Landmark: Near Florence Club

Dr. Samir Parikh, Fortis Memorial Research Institute

Fee: Rs 1,200

Timing: Monday and Friday (10:00 AM-2 PM)

Address: Sector 44, Gurgaon

Landmark: Opposite HUDA City Centre Metro Station

Dr. Satyam Jain, Doctors Hub

Fee: Rs 1,200

Timing: Tuesday-Wednesday (10:00 AM-1:00 PM)

Address: 603, Cross Point Mall, Gurgaon

Landmark: Opposite Galleria Market

Dr. Prathama Chaudhuri, Fortis Hospital – Anandapur

Fee: Rs. 600

Timing: Thursday (7:00 PM-8:00 PM)

Address: 730, Eastern Metropolitan Bypass, Anandapur, Kolkata

Landmark: Near Kolkata International School & Near Ruby Hospital


Dr. Arijit Dutta Chowdhury, Kolkata Institute of Psychiatry and Allied Sciences

Fee: Rs 700

Timing: Monday-Friday (10:30 AM-3:30 PM)

Address: 366 A, Kalikapur Road, Purbachal Kalitala, Kolkata

Landmark: Near SBI Kalikapur Branch

Ms. Sheena Mishra Ghosh, Fortis Hospital – Anandapur

Fee: Rs 950

Timing: ON CALL

Address: 730, Eastern Metropolitan Bypass, Anandapur, Kolkata

Landmark: Near Kolkata International School & Near Ruby Hospital

Ms. Moumita Ganguly, M’s Clinic

Fee: Rs 600

Timing: Monday, Tuesday and Sunday (9:00 AM-8:00 PM)

Address: 1/4 Nritya Gopal Chatterjee Lane, Kolkata

Landmark: Near 2 Number Bus Stand

Dr. Garima Saxena, Sukhayubhava Holistic Ayurveda and Panchakarma

Fee: Rs 500

Timing: Monday, Wednesday and Sunday (10:00AM-7:00 PM)

Address: 607, Unitech Arcadia, Sector 49, Gurgaon

Landmark: Opposite Park Hospital

Dr. Ashish Kumar Mittal, Confidence Clinic

Fee: Rs 800

Timing: Monday-Sunday (10:00AM-9:00PM)

Address: 248, 2nd Floor, The Sapphire Mall, Sohna Road, Gurgaon

Landmark: Opposite Omaxe City Centre/ Orchid Petals

How To Control Anger In Kids

Whether they didn’t get the chocolate bar they really wanted, they lost a game among friends or they didn’t get good grades, kids have their own reasons to get angry. Since they’re young and inexperienced, their ways of handling their temper can be destructive. As an elder sibling or parent, we have various responsibilities towards them. We should try to help them calm their anger before it’s too late and becomes a habit. It’s always the easiest way to ask them to stop creating a ruckus and go to their room but that doesn’t solve the problem. Don’t escape it but face it. Here are some ways you can control anger in kids.

Is Anger A Sign Of Depression?

We all feel angry at some of the other point in life. We all have our saturation points and if something triggers, we tend to lose our cool. While anger is an emotion that is mostly short-lived outward aggression, depression is long-term inward aggression. There’s no doubt about the fact that anger plays a significant role in depression.

A study done in the UK in 2013 suggested that bottling up our temper inside of us and turning our anger on ourselves contributes to the severity of depression.

Most people who are suffering from depression also share struggles with turning their anger on themselves. While a lot of people vent out their anger on others or on objects, there are many who suffocate themselves by neither talking about it nor venting it out. They start avoiding people around them and often seclude themselves. They end up locking themselves in a room and don’t come out for days.

Such people experience rapid heartbeat, increased blood pressure, sudden outbursts of anger, feeling of helplessness and hopelessness, loss of interest, sadness, insecurity, extreme weight loss or weight gain and loss of energy.

If you’re dealing with anger issues, don’t be disheartened. It’s very normal. There is an umpteen number of ways to control it. Talk it out with family and friends, get some help, visit doctors, engage yourself in physical activities that you love or enroll yourself in anger management classes. Like they say, where there’s a will, there’s a way!

This story was updated in January 2019.

Image source: Shutterstock, YouTube, Instagram

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