There is absolutely no excuse for people to meddle in your personal affairs. But that does not keep them from doing it, anyway. Especially if you are a young, independent woman who wants to live life on your own terms, there’ll always be naysayers hovering around, asserting themselves in your face – ‘Beta, when are you settling down? Why is there still no one in your life? Do you like someone?’… The questions just don’t stop. But here are some kickass ways to answer the ‘Why are you still single?’ question.
1. ‘I don’t need a boyfriend, but you need perspective.’
Go get some.
2. ‘Uncle, no guy will ever match up to your good looks.’
But the question is, will aunty agree?
3. ‘I am dating my breakfast, lunch and dinner…’
…and they’re delicious.
4. ‘I am heading my department at work and everyone is just too scared to ask me out.’
Why don’t you convince them that I am a great catch?
5. ‘Why and how is it any of your business?’
No seriously, I need to know!
6. ‘Netflix keeps me busy…’
Make that very busy!
7. ‘Actually, I have seven boyfriends.’
One for every day of the week.
8. ‘I have bad breath. No seriously… Let me give you a kiss!’
So you don’t like me anymore? Humphh!
9. ‘But you’ve never left me alone…’
For me be to be able to find someone
10. ‘It is impossible to match up to my level of awesomeness.’
But you can sure try.
11. ‘I cut out the middleman because I know how to make myself happy.’
You should try it too.
12. ‘Your interest in my life convinces me that I want to live and die alone.’
The struggle is real.
13. ‘But people love me on the internet!’
Although, not as much as myself.