
9 Homemade Scrubs For Oily Skin That Are Easy-To-Make And Effective!

Lubna Khan  |  May 18, 2022
9 Homemade Scrubs For Oily Skin That Are Easy-To-Make And Effective!

Exfoliation is an important step when it comes to summer skincare routine, especially for those with oily and acne-prone skin. Using a face scrub twice or thrice a week helps slough off dead skin cells, and reduces the chances of clogged pores and breakouts. Have you been looking for the best face scrubs for oily skin, but wanna avoid the chemicals that may be present in store-bought products? Lucky for you, you can easily make homemade scrubs for oily skin using simple kitchen ingredients! Just remember, exfoliating with a face scrub twice or thrice a week does the trick. Going overboard with exfoliating may leave your skin irritated. 

Best Homemade Scrubs For Oily Skin

DIY skincare products (homemade body scrubs, DIY scalp scrubs, etc) are all the rage these days, and it’s not hard to see why! At-home beauty remedies are safe, easy to make, convenient, and don’t cost a bomb. If you’re looking to quickly whip up some homemade scrubs for oily skin, look no further! Below, we have listed down DIY face scrubs for oily skin that will help remove dead skin cells, and give your skin a radiant glow. 

Sugar And Honey Scrub

Unsplash- Sugar And Honey – home made scrub for oily skin

Sugar and honey make for a great combination for naturally exfoliating your skin. Honey is often used in skincare products due to its antibacterial and antiseptic properties, and is a natural humectant, which helps lock in moisture without making your skin oily. Meanwhile, sugar granules help physically exfoliate the dead skin. This homemade scrub for oily skin will leave you with soft, supple skin while getting rid of clogged pores.  


Oatmeal And Honey Scrub

Unsplash– Oatmeal And Honey Scrub- best homemade scrub for oily skin

Ground oatmeal is a natural exfoliant that helps remove dirt, oil, and dead skin cells, and can be used along with honey for an effective homemade scrub for oily skin. Oatmeal can also help soak up excess oil off your skin, so go ahead and give this scrub a try!  


Orange Peel And Yogurt Scrub

Unsplash– Orange Peel And Yogurt Scrub – best homemade scrub for oily skin

After you’re done eating oranges, do not throw the peel away! Instead, use it to make this homemade scrub for oily skin. Orange peel is a good source of vitamin C, while yogurt is an excellent ingredient, especially for those with acne-prone and oily skin, and can help regulate oil production.


Coffee Scrub

Pexels- Coffee Scrub – homemade scrub for oily skin

This one is for all you coffee lovers out there! Coffee is an excellent exfoliator and is one of the most popular beauty ingredients due to its many benefits. Besides, it has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties and can help combat acne, making it a great ingredient for those with acne-prone skin. Check out this amazing homemade scrub for oily skin using finely ground coffee beans below! 


Cucumber Scrub

Pexels- Cucumber Scrub – home made scrub for oily skin

It’s no secret that cucumber is a great skincare ingredient for those with irritated and acne-pore skin. It can help in minimizing your pores, cleansing the skin, and managing acne. Besides, it feels so cool and refreshing on your skin- what’s not to love? Try this simple homemade scrub for oily skin using cucumber to reap its benefits for the skin.  


Tomato Scrub

Pexels– Tomato Scrub – best homemade scrub for oily skin

Tomato is yet another ingredient that is great for oily skin! Not only are tomatoes good sources of vitamin C, but they also have astringent properties and can help absorb excess oil from your skin. This homemade scrub for oily skin can help in getting rid of dead cells, and can also keep excess oil at bay.


Red Lentils Scrub

Pexels– Red Lentils Scrub – home made scrub for oily skin

You may find this surprising but red lentil (masoor dal) is a great natural exfoliator, and can get rid of dead skin cells from your face. Besides being jam-packed with amazing nutrients, they also help combat skin issues such as acne, tan, pigmentation and more.


Apple & Oatmeal Scrub

Unsplash- Apple & Oatmeal -DIY scrubs for oily skin

Apple is extremely nutritious and is a great ingredient for the skin. Not only does it help keep your skin hydrated, but also acts as an exfoliant, brightens your skin, and helps reduce acne. Combined with oatmeal, it is a winning combination for your skin! Check out this simple homemade scrub for oily skin using oatmeal and apple below.  


Rice Flour Face Scrub

Pexels- Rice Flour Face Scrub – DIY face scrub for oily skin

Rice flour is slowly but surely gaining popularity in cosmetic products, mainly because of its numerous benefits for the skin. It is also said to be a natural exfoliant and can also help manage acne.


Ready to give these homemade scrubs for oily skin a try?

More DIY Scrubs

Homemade Body Scrubs For Brides: You’ll find full body scrub offers in many salons and spas, but if you wanna opt for an inexpensive, chemical-free option, you might wanna give these homemade body scrubs a try!

Best Scrubs For Dark Elbows And Knees: Exfoliate your pigmented elbows and knees, and say hello to happy and smooth skin with our list of tried and tested knees and elbow scrubs!

Featured Image: Pexels

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