Bath & Body

Wedding Beauty Prep: Home Remedies To Help You Steer Clear Of Stretch Marks!

Anannya ChatterjeeAnannya Chatterjee  |  Apr 11, 2018
Wedding Beauty Prep: Home Remedies To Help You Steer Clear Of Stretch Marks!

First things first, you don’t need to stress about stretch marks. Everyone has them, even celebs. They might appear anywhere and at any time but you shouldn’t feel any less confident because of them. Especially as a bride-to-be, you should understand that not just weight fluctuation but stress is also a major factor that causes stretch marks. We’ve got a few home remedies that can help you avoid them! 

1. Coconut oil

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This age-old remedy has been strongly recommended by our grannies. And there is a reason for it. Give your body a coconut oil massage before you head in for a shower. It’ll help get rid of minor blemishes you might have, and make sure your skin feels smooth and fresh. 

2. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a natural healing agent and a skin softener. Apply pure aloe vera to your stretch marks daily, after a hot shower. It will help your skin remain taut and supple.  

3. Sugar and lemon scrub

The homemade sugar and lemon scrub comes to your rescue, yet again! Rubbing a sugar scrub on your skin will exfoliate the area, helping it steer clear of unwanted blemishes. Spend an extra 10 minutes in the shower and gently massage it on the problem areas.

4. Shea butter

Did you know shea butter has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which helps in repairing damaged cells and cures stretch marks? We bet you didn’t! All you need to do is massage shea butter on the problem area for 10 minutes every day and leave it on. Repeat it a few times a week.

POPxo Recommends: Pure Aloe Vera (Rs. 149)

5. Baking soda

Baking soda exfoliates and removes the dead skin layers, thus lightening the stretch marks. Mix baking soda with lemon juice to form a paste and apply; leave it on for half an hour. Wash it off with lukewarm water.

6. Potato juice

Potato juice has minerals and vitamins which help in reducing any unwanted spots. Take a slice of potato and rub it gently on the stretch marks for a few minutes. Allow the potato juice to dry for some time and then wash it off with lukewarm water. You will see the remarkable difference in a few days!

7. Jojoba oil

Jojoba oil has anti-inflammatory and skin healing properties. This discourages the formation of stretch marks. Take a few drops, massage for a few minutes and leave it on.

8. Turmeric powder

Along with being a natural bleaching agent, turmeric also has anti-inflammatory properties. To use, mix turmeric powder with yogurt to form a paste. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water. 

Internal Images: Shutterstock

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