Long before, women-oriented films were even a thing in Bollywood, Rani Mukerji stood out. Her sheer acting prowess and her conviction in strong author-backed roles, where the actress is not just reduced to the hero’s love interest, lead to films like Saathiya, Black, No One Killed Jessica and Mardaani among many other. For all of us, who missed seeing her on the big screen owing to the birth of her daughter Adira, the actress is back and how!
I was already in tears by the end of the trailer of Hichki, a film where Rani plays a teacher with a speech impairment where she is confronted with the challenge of teaching a group of rogue students. What I like about this trailer is that it doesn’t romanticise disability and gives us a strong, central character, who has her shortcomings but we are still rooting for her all the way. Hichki will be releasing on February 23, but until then, I will keep revisiting the trailer for a daily dose of hope, positivity and resilience!
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