If there’s one Bollywood actress who has managed to keep us on our toes with her dating life then it’s gotta be Janhvi Kapoor. At first, we were almost convinced that the young diva had found love in her Dhadak co-star Ishaan Khatter. From goofing around at promotional events to working out together, the two were practically inseparable after the release of their movie. Sadly, however, things didn’t quite work out and the two reportedly parted ways due to professional reasons. Next, we spotted Janhvi running hand-in-hand with a mystery man at the beach and were sure that the actress was in love. Unfortunately, the man turned out to be Orhan Awatrami, a really good friend of Janhvi. But we haven’t given up hope and finally, have a reason to believe that the actress may be seeing someone. Excited to find out?
Janhvi was recently shooting for an episode for the talk show Social Media Star and here’s what happened. Post filming for the episode, guests Janhvi and Kusha Kapila were chilling with the host Janice Sequera. However, Janhvi was constantly on her phone and when Janice brought the topic up, she was blushing profusely. Janice even recorded the entire exchange.
In the video, Janice asks, “Janhvi. Janhvi, you’re being rude! You’re being rude! Who are you texting? Oh my God.” And Janhvi couldn’t stop blushing. In another video, Kusha says, “Kisse text kar rahe ho, bata do (Who are you texting, tell us). Janice, who do you think she’s texting?” Hmm…even we’d like the answer to this question.
Earlier this year, during an interview with Kareena Kapoor Khan on her chat show What Women Want, Janhvi had revealed that she likes to keep her dating approach subtle and simple. She said, “I am very sly. I will drop my hints but I won’t make it too obvious till I know the other person is for sure interested. But mazaa aata hai na thoda sa aise eyelash bat karne mein, mazaaki banne mein (it is fun to bat eyelashes and have a fun banter). I enjoy the attention.” She also added that she has never made the first movie. She confessed, “I am a little bit of a phattu (coward) like that.”
Hmm…we can’t help but wonder if Janhvi couldn’t stop blushing because of some fun banter with her current boo. ‘Fess up already, Janhvi!
Featured Image: Instagram
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