
Unlock 2.0: Everything You Need To Know About Relaxations & What Remains Unchanged

khushboo sharmakhushboo sharma  |  Jun 29, 2020
Unlock 2.0: Everything You Need To Know About Relaxations & What Remains Unchanged

On Monday evening, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) came out with a fresh set of guidelines to be put into effect for Unlock 2.0. The new guidelines would be effective from tomorrow i.e July 1st onwards. And while large gatherings, educational institutions, metro services, gyms, and theaters continue to stay closed, the government has come with a set of relaxations in order to further aid the country’s economy.

Meanwhile, the lockdown would still be observed in containment zones. As stated in the MHA orders, “Containment zones will be demarcated by the district authorities after taking into consideration the guidelines of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW) with the objective of effectively breaking the chain of transmission.”

Additionally, people over and under the ages of 65 and 10 respectively have been asked to stay at home until necessary. Here’s everything else that you need to know about Unlock 2.0.

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What Has Changed?

As the country gears up to further boost its economy, here’s what is going to change under Unlock 2.0:


What Doesn’t Change?

“Lockdown shall continue to be implemented strictly in the containment zones till July 31,” reads the MHA order. However, besides that, there are still certain lockdown restrictions that continue to be observed everywhere in the country. Here’s what would not be changing under Unlock 2.0:

In addition to the Unlock 2.0 guidelines, the MHA has also given the states and UTs power to define their own lockdown rules and to add to the ones established by the government if need be. 

With the total number of case count already past 5.5 lakhs, India stands at a very delicate stage in regards to its COVID-19 spread. Ever since the first phase of unlock, the coronavirus cases in the country are rising at an alarming rate. Therefore, it is important for us to understand that relaxation in lockdown rules doesn’t mean that the virus has disappeared. It is still present, now more than ever and in this case, prevention certainly is the best cure. Stay safe!

 Featured Image: Instagram 

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