After months of speculations about who would play the much-awaited role of Mr Rishabh Bajaj in the reboot of Kasautii Zindagii Kay, Karan Singh Grover bagged the role. It has been a week since the actor appeared on the TV show and he is already a crowd favourite with his salt ‘n’ pepper look. From Instagram posts about his bold look to memes about his entry on the show, Karan Singh Grover is back on the small screen after six years, and with a bang!
In a recent Instagram post, the actor shared a behind the scenes video in which he can be seen transforming into the character of Mr Bajaj. Just like Komolika (played by Hina Khan), Mr Bajaj is a negative character on the show who is charming business, hell-bent on destroying Anurag Basu’s family business.
“Mr. Bajaj, The visualisation of the Majestic @ektaravikapoor was brought into physical manifestation by the Magnificent @aalimhakim I am blessed and full of gratitude. Thank you. ❤️,” wrote the actor in his caption.
Also Read: Bajaj Hai Ya Birla: Karan Singh Grover Is Getting Rs 75 Lakhs To Play Mr Bajaj On Kasautii
KSG is married to Bollywood actress, Bipasha Basu, who commented on the post saying Aalim Hakim is the best hairdresser. Producer Ekta Kapoor also commented praising Karan’s new look for the show.
The show’s latest teaser has revealed that Mr Bajaj is plotting Basu Industries’ downfall with help from Anurag’s ex/late wife Komolika (played by Hina Khan), who was presumed to be dead on the show. Together, they are all set to destroy the leading characters, Anurag Basu and Prerna Sharma’s lives, which proves that Kasautii Zindagii Kay is about to get even more exciting!
Featured Image: Instagram
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