
You Need To Stop Tying Your Hair In Tight Top Knots At Home, Here’s Why

Eden NoronhaEden Noronha  |  Sep 7, 2022
You Need To Stop Tying Your Hair In Tight Top Knots At Home, Here’s Why

Believe us, we aren’t trying to take away the simple pleasure of keeping your hair off your face, but tying your mane in a top knot is not exactly a great habit. Yes, it is chic and can make even third day hair look stylish, but reducing the times you wear a top knot really is in your best interest.

If you swear by this lazy girl hairstyle, answer these questions. Does your hair feel damaged at the crown? Are you experiencing breakage and hair fall? Do you have more flyaways? And has your mane begun to lose its natural smooth texture? If you’ve answered yes to all of these questions, you’ve probably overdone it with top knots. Here’s why you should wear this updo less frequently in order to save the integrity of your mane.

What Are Top Knots?

Top Knots are basically messy buns that are tied high on top of your head. They require an elastic hair band to be tied. Top knots are stylish and easy to create. If your hair is unwashed, this hairstyle can come to your rescue as it instantly makes you look more chic. It can be accessorised with clips and scrunchies and other hair accessories when going out. Top knots are also the go-to hairstyle for anyone with long hair who’s chilling at home. It keeps the hair off your face and secured in place.

How Top Knots Damage Your Hair 


Your hair is prone to breakage when stretched out. Top knots are tied high up and are quite tight. They require you to pull your hair and then tie it with an elastic band. Both these acts lead to breakage. Even when your hair is set in the top knot and worn that way for long hours, it causes your strands to be prone to dryness and eventually get brittle. If you happen to push your top knot a bit while sleeping or leaning against a wall, it tugs on your hair and that makes your strands snap and break.


When you wear your hair in a top knot, you are not only putting the hair at the crown area in jeopardy but also the hair surrounding your face. Tight top knots lead to more flyaways as it ends up causing breakage at the front. That frizz you see surrounding your face even when your hair is tied up is called flyaway hair and it is quite difficult to grow them out once they’ve been damaged.

Hair Fall

Wearing a top knot for long hours decreases blood circulation in your scalp and this leads to a multitude of haircare concerns including hair fall. You will find that a lot more hair gets trapped around your hair band when you untie the top knot. This is already a scary sign that you’re experiencing hair fall. You can also develop dandruff which also causes hair fall. So if you’re trying to reducing hair loss, steer clear from wearing top knots too often and instead use a hair clip as that is a safer option.

If you want to reverse the damage that a top knot hairstyle has inflicted on your hair, we recommend:

You can always limit the number of times you wear a top knot and not make it your go-to hairdo when at home. Now that you know how damaging a top knot can be when you choose to wear it daily, it is time to put a stop to it and let your hair and scalp breathe with some safer hairstyle options.

Featured Images: Instagram

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