
Calling My BFFs: Study Suggests That An All-Girls Trip Is Essential To Your Happiness

Tanya Sharma  |  Nov 14, 2019
Calling My BFFs: Study Suggests That An All-Girls Trip Is Essential To Your Happiness

It’s not like we needed an excuse to go on a holiday, but a recent study has given us all the more reason to grab our BFFs and get on a plane. According to psychologist Dr. William Chopik, research suggests that a trip with your girl gang can make you happier. 


In his study called Personal Relationships, Dr. Chopik found that all-girls trips are not only fun, but they’re also imperative for improving our happiness and having a positive impact on our health. Why, you wonder? Because unlike other relationships in our lives that come with certain pressures and expectations, friendships “are a way to derive all the benefits of being in a relationship with someone without the enormity of it.”

“Friendships are really important for people’s happiness,” Dr. Chopik explained. “These are relationships of choice. You choose to hang out together because you enjoy each other’s company.” But which aspect of your girls’ holiday is important? According to Dr. Chopik, face-to-face time with your friends creates emotional connections and encourages proper interaction. 

“You can sit down, look them in the eye, have a true back-and-forth, and read each other’s body language. They can see you and your facial expressions. You’re emotionally responding to things, and you can pick up on their emotions. You don’t always get that through a phone call,” said Dr. Chopik.


But this isn’t the first time this kind of research has surfaced. A similar study conducted in 2019 by Harvard University found that “social connections like these not only give pleasure, they also influence our long-term health in ways every bit as powerful as adequate sleep, a good diet and not smoking”.

So what are you waiting for? Grab your girl gang and go go go!

Featured Image: Youtube

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