Oh dear God, why do periods exist? WHY? This a question every girl has on the first day of her period. It sucks. Periods just suck. But can we do anything about it? No, right? So guys, here, look at these hilarious period memes and laugh. Laugh until your cramps go away, laugh until your bloating goes away, laugh until your 3/ 5/ 7-day torture gets over.
1. Hahaha! This is SO funny… and true and sad!
Image: Period_Memes on Instagram
2. Every. Effing. Time.
Image: Period_Memes on Instagram
3. This is EVERY girl ever!
Image: Period_Memes on Instagram
4. And that periods are the worst thing on earth!
Image: Period_Memes on Instagram
5. This picture is exactly what happens on the first day of our period!
Image: Period_Memes on Instagram
6. Dying, dying… dead.
Image: Period_Memes on Instagram
7. Umm, no uterus, no opinion, remember?
Image: Period_Memes on Instagram
These were just SO funny!