
10 Girls Share Their Most Embarrassing Bikini Wax Stories!

Arya KhannaArya Khanna  |  Dec 28, 2016
10 Girls Share Their Most Embarrassing Bikini Wax Stories!

Ever had an embarrassing bikini wax experience? Lucky you, if you haven’t! We have ten women anonymously confessing their funniest, most cringe-worthy bikini waxing stories and they will make you glad it didn’t happen to you!

1. ‘It’s kinda the same position you would be in if you were doing it doggy style….’

The very first time I had a bikini wax, I was shocked to know that they make you turn over on all fours with your butt in the air to wax your butt hole. It’s kinda the same position you would be in if you were doing it doggy style. I still find this super weird, awkward and embarrassing. What’s even more surprising is, that waxing this area doesn’t even hurt at all. Well, thank god for that! 1 bikini wax

2. ‘I hemmed and hawed through the better part of ten minutes before awkwardly pointing “down there”’

The first time I decided to get a bikini wax to impress my then-boyfriend, I was so embarrassed that I didn’t even know how to say the words to the parlour didi! I hemmed and hawed through the better part of ten minutes before awkwardly pointing ‘down there.’ She called it the ‘under-legs waxing’ and cleaned me up very nicely. My boyfriend was very happy that night…

3. ‘ I ended up falling down, face forward on the floor!’

My first bikini wax was absolutely horrible! I wasn’t expecting THAT much pain. And my reflex action was to get out of there, so. I instantly moved my legs, hoping to land on my feet but instead ended up falling down, face forward on the floor and naked!

4. ‘I was horrified to discover flaky skin down there…’

Every time I have a bikini wax, my waxing wali always reminds me to apply baby oil there since waxing causes a lot of dryness. I never really paid much heed to this till this recently. Two days after my wax, I was horrified to discover flaky skin down there, it wasn’t a pretty sight! Needless to say, I make it a point now to use baby oil every time I shower for the first couple days after waxing!

5. ‘She had left a tuft of hair right above my clitoris…’

I was always horrified by the idea of a bikini wax. So, one fine day, I decided to impress my new boyfriend before our ‘first time’ and get myself waxed down there. I went to a different salon because I was too embarrassed to go to my regular one. The didi there kept probing me with questions, ‘First time?’, ‘It will hurt a little, are you ready?’, ‘Are you going on vacation?’ and the worst of all – ‘For the boyfriend, huh?’ When I finally submitted and answered all her questions, she told me she will do something new and fresh. I didn’t really think you could be very creative with this so I let her blabber to herself and do whatever she wanted to. Until, I saw it and was scandalized! She had left a tuft of hair right above my clitoris. She told me that this was what everyone was doing these days and refused to wax it off since it would now leave my skin irritated! Since then I am very clear about my preferences before a bikini wax. My new boyfriend, however, was pretty curious that night, to say the least!

6. ‘I shut my legs in pain and…’

The first time I got my bikini area waxed, the pain was so intense that I shut my legs and the wax basically glued my vagina shut. It was terrible!’

7. ‘…I let out a fart!’

Honestly, the pain wasn’t as bad as how uncomfortable I felt. It was like I was spreading apart for sex and right in the middle of it…I let out a fart! The woman who was waxing me looked horrified and quietly excused herself for a minute. It wasn’t the same woman who returned to complete my bikini wax!

8. ‘…a couple of ladies came rushing into the cabin I was getting waxed in, to check what had happened’

I knew it was going to be painful and I was sh*t scared. So when my waxing lady pulled the strip the first time, I yelled like someone had stabbed me (In my defence, it did feel a little bit like that). In fact, I yelled so loud, that the rest of people in the parlour got alarmed and a couple of ladies came rushing into the cabin I was getting waxed in, to check what had happened. While my waxing lady stood there terrified, I realized I now had half a dozen people staring at me… Naked and semi-waxed. I did not let another waxing strip come near me… Ever!

9. ‘I tried waxing…at home!’

I tried waxing ‘down there’ for the first time…at home! Except, I didn’t read anything about it before and left the wax on too long, making it impossible to remove! My mom had to help me out in the end, and this is definitely the most embarrassed I’ve ever been in my life. I’ve left it to the professionals ever since.

10. ‘The woman would put the wax on and…blow on it!’

This one memorable time, the woman who was waxing me would put the wax on and then…blow on it! It was easily the most embarrassed I’ve ever been inside a beauty parlour. GIFs: Giphy, Tumblr

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