
Dear Bestie, I Can’t Afford Hanging Out With You Anymore

Rishika Shah  |  Sep 14, 2023
Dear Bestie, I Can’t Afford Hanging Out With You Anymore

Dear Bestie,

I hope this letter finds you well, and please know that it comes from a place of love and friendship. You know I cherish our moments together more than anything, but I have to admit, I cannot afford to always hang out with you. I just had to let you know because, well, we promised to always be honest with each other.

You are living in your fabulous, happily married, rich family bubble (which, btw, makes me happy as well), but then there’s me, working my tail off 45 hours a week just to spend half of it on a restaurant that serves portions the size of my palm! It’s like the real-life sitcom version of that episode from FRIENDS, wherein Phoebe, Rachel, and Joey couldn’t afford to live up to Monica, Ross, and Chandler’s plans. The only difference is that my character isn’t the one with the swanky apartment.


You know, it’s funny how our bank accounts seem to be in different zip codes too. While yours is having a spa day, mine’s doing a deep dive into financial survival mode. But let’s not dwell on the differences, shall we? Instead, let’s celebrate our epic journey of friendship, which has been a wild rollercoaster ride. Remember how in school you used to purposely forget your tiffin box only to raid mine? Or when we only had 10 bucks, so we shared a vada pav in the canteen?

I mean, we might not be sipping champagne in a penthouse like a TV show, but who needs that when we can have our own budget-friendly adventures? I propose we embark on the quest for the best deals in town, have picnics in the park, and binge-watch Netflix with our homemade popcorn. We may not have a coffee shop like Central Perk, but our coffee dates at the local cafe are legendary in their own right.


I just want you to know that while our financial situations might be as different as night and day, our friendship is the North Star that keeps guiding us through life’s quirks. So, here’s to us – the dynamic duo living out our sitcom-worthy adventures, one laugh at a time. Who knows, maybe someday we’ll get our own spin-off!

From your,

Budget-friendly Bestie!

Feature Image: Instagram

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