Kapil Sharma and his wife Ginni Chatrath welcomed their little bundle of joy on December 10 last year. Kapil shared the good news via Twitter and wrote, ‘Blessed to have a baby girl…need ur blessings…love u all…jai mata di’. As thrilled as we were for the couple, the actor and comedian left us a little disappointed as he didn’t share pictures of her baby girl. And now, the wait is over, as Kapil Sharma posted pictures of his adorable baby girl, who they have named Anayra. While one photo features just Anayra, the other has Kapil and Ginni along with the little munchkin.
Adorable, aren’t they?
Some of the fan pages of the comedian also posted pictures of Anayra and we cannot stop gushing at her pictures.
In the pictures, Kapil can be seen holding the cutie-patootie in his arms. He can be seen taking care of the baby as a doting father. While the comedian can be seen wearing a hoodie, the baby girl is wrapped in a cosy blanket.
Aren’t they giving us father-daughter goals already?
Kapil was back on the sets of The Kapil Sharma Show a day after his daughter was born. He was shooting an episode with Deepika Padukone where he shared the first glimpse of his daughter with Deepika and how the Chhapaak actress reacted, said it all. And now that we have seen the baby girl, we are completely in awe of her too.
Kapil and Ginni have known each other since college and tied the knot on December 12, 2018 in Jalandhar. Their Delhi reception was attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the who’s who of Bollywood including Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone, Anil Kapoor, Raveena Tandon among others.
Featured Image: Instagram
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