Baahubali actor Rana Daggubati recently tied the knot with beau Miheeka Bajaj in an intimate ceremony, and as expected, their wedding left everyone gushing. From the stunning looks flaunted by the bride and the groom to the adorable photos that surfaced online, the shaadi was indeed a breather from the unfavourable news pieces that we’ve gotten used to reading this year. The wedding, which happened with both Telugu and Marwari rituals, was on August 8, but TBH, we’re still a little hungover. And now we have some gorgeous pictures of the new bride after the wedding.
Rana and Miheeka took part in Satyanarayan puja post their shaadi, and the pictures are all over the internet. While Rana was dressed in a traditional mundu and a white shirt, Miheeka looked resplendent as a new bride flaunting that white chooda.
Decoding The New Bride’s Puja Look!
From the pre-wedding functions to the D-day, Miheeka impressed us with her fashion and beauty looks throughout the festivities. While we completely adored how she went minimal at every function, she looked like royalty on her wedding day and we couldn’t take our eyes off. And she has done it yet again.
For the first event as a new bride, Miheeka opted for a royal green and gold silk saree. She accessorised it with heavy gold jewellery and ditched the maangtikka for a borla. She also wore a heavily embroidered red dupatta while performing the rituals and that white chooda beautifully finished her look as the nayi dulhan.
As for makeup, she took the traditional route with red lips and a bindi defining her look. Her hair was tied in a neat middle-parted braid that allowed for her gold jewellery to shine through!
Family members including Samantha Prabhu and Naga Chaitanya were a part of the puja. The actress took to her Instagram handle to post some pictures from the ceremony which showed that the entire family opted for traditional Ponduru cotton for the event.
Also read: Samantha’s Looks From Rana & Miheeka’s Wedding Are A Lesson In Summer Styling!
It was earlier this year, on May 12 that Rana took to his Instagram handle and broke many hearts by revealing that girlfriend Miheeka had said ‘Yes’ to his proposal. On May 21, the couple got rokafied and made it official. Nearly a month after the roka, the newlyweds stepped an inch closer to their ‘happily ever after’, with another pre-wedding ceremony. Before we knew it, the couple settled for a beautiful intimate ceremony amidst the pandemic and are now husband and wife!
Well, we can’t wait to see more pictures of the newlyweds. Keep ‘em coming guys and congratulations for the life ahead!
Featured Image: Instagram/RanaMiheeka Official
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