The best on-screen couple award can surely go to Fawad Khan and Mahira Khan. They look simply too adorable in the Pakistani TV show Humsafar and have surely won a million hearts. Humsafar was first telecasted in Pakistan, and later, on Zee’s Zindagi channel in India went ahead and picked the show to be aired in the country. However, this came to an end when the channel decided to stop airing Pakistani shows. But, that hasn’t deterred Indian fans who continue to hold the torch for this on-screen couple.
Fawad Khan and Mahira Khan, the Pakistani heartthrobs, made everyone fall in love with their chemistry and hence, that is the reason why now everyone wants them to reunite as an on-screen couple soon.
And it looks like the wishes of the fans kind might be coming true. Fawad Khan and Mahira Khan had a small reunion during the ongoing Pakistan Super League and the selfie that they took has gone viral over the internet ever since. Mahira captioned the photo as
We hope this mini-reunion soon turns into something real and we get to see them as an on-screen couple yet again!
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