Popular anchor-actress-singer Shibani Dandekar and Farhan Akhtar’s relationship rumours have been doing rounds in the media for some time now. But, as they say, there’s fire where there’s smoke. Shibani just posted a loved-up picture with Farhan and their relationship is finally official… we think!
No tags, no caption, but still the picture hints of love.
Farhan Akhtar, who is on a music tour in the USA and Canada, called ‘SELF Tour 2018’, has been living the ‘gig life’ lately and look who is touring along with him hand-in-hand!
Shibani and Farhan, if seen together at all, are always in a group with friends, thanks to the common circles they hang out in.
This, on the other hand, was the first time either of them officially posted a picture with just the two of them in it. You can try hiding all you want, Farhan, keep walking straight, but when it’s out there, it’s out there.
It truly is the year of love. We can’t wait to see more pictures of the new couple together!
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