
We’re Busting Common Dry Shampoo Myths Today So That You Have Happy & Healthy Hair, Always

Anandita Malhotra  |  Dec 16, 2020
We’re Busting Common Dry Shampoo Myths Today So That You Have Happy & Healthy Hair, Always

We’re sure that by now you know that washing your hair every day is a big no-no. It actually does more harm than good because it strips the naturals oils that are necessary to keep the hair healthy and it’s also hella time-consuming. That’s why we swear by dry shampoos. A few spritzes here and there and all the excessive oil will be absorbed and you’ll have a gorgeous just-shampooed mane. 

However, because many people don’t understand the nitty gritties of this product. We asked the experts at Batiste and they helped us bust some common myths you may have heard about dry shampoos.


Here Are Some Myths About Dry Shampoos That We’re About To Bust

Dry Shampoo Works As A Direct Alternative For Washing Your Hair

Dry shampoo is not intended to replace your shampoo regime in your daily life. It simply allows you to prolong your wash cycle by a couple of days and rescues your hair from looking bogged down, greasy and unkempt. Depending on your hair type, washing your hair daily or every alternate day might strip your hair of its natural oils, making it dry and irritated. With the help of a dry shampoo, you are able to extend the interval between each wash cycle and retain voluminous, clean-feeling tresses, throughout the week.

Dry Shampoo Can Stunt Hair Growth

While poor scalp health can lead to hair loss, there is no research to prove that dry shampoo stunts growth or aids hair loss, as recommended, dry shampoo is not a direct substitute for washing your hair, and to maintain hair health it is essential to properly cleanse your hair with a shampoo at least once a week to prevent product buildup.

Dry Shampoo Tends To Be Expensive

While most well-formulated products tend to be expensive, there are many products that are great quality and budget-friendly too. They’re made with an innovative starch-based ‘no water needed’ formulation which adapts to your hair’s needs and targets excess oil and grease, helping to eliminate it at the roots.

Dry Shampoo can Dry Out The Scalp

Dry shampoo can only cause irritation if it is used as the only cleansing agent for the hair. As recommended by professionals, dry shampoo has to go hand in hand with your weekly regime of cleansing your hair to ensure that there is no product buildup or dirt that is left behind. It is able to mask the dirt and oil, however, excessive use without proper cleansing of the hair may result in a dry scalp.

So, be ready to have gorgeous locks that are oil-free all thanks to this miraculous product!


Ways To Use Dry Shampoo in Hindi

Featured Image: Pexels

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