
Do NOT Read These Spine-Chilling Reddit Ghost Stories At Night!

Anushka ManikAnushka Manik  |  Jan 11, 2023
Do NOT Read These Spine-Chilling Reddit Ghost Stories At Night!

As someone who grew up watching Aahat and Fear Files, I’ve always found horror stories intriguing. TBH, I have grown to be obsessed with them and am constantly on the lookout for some really intense ones. This explains why I squealed in joy after recently discovering that Reddit is legit the hub of “real” ghost stories. From an encounter with death itself (Yes!) to an ouija board mess up, some of the stories on the platform are just spine-chilling and I am here for it. Well, if you too are on the lookout for your share of spooky thrills, I insist you go through the five ghost stories listed below.

P.S. Leave the lights on while you read them, ‘coz you never know! 

It Wasn’t A Little Girl


“I was camping with my husband and his family at the lakeside. There were about ten people in our group and six people in another one. It was nighttime and both groups were having a few drinks and telling stories. Suddenly, we all heard what sounded like a little girl yelling out for help. Neither group had children with them, but we were all positive we were hearing a little girl and decided to search the area we heard the noises from together. At the field behind our campsites, we saw a very tall, pure white figure standing maybe 100ft away from us and making those noises. We all agreed this thing looked maybe 6 feet tall, skinny, and as white as can be. We made our way closer to investigate, but whatever it was that we saw started backing off as we got closer, and it disappeared into the trees. All night we continued to hear a little girl calling for help as we tried to sleep.”

They Saw Death


“I was standing in my parents’ room while talking to my very sick dad, who was dying of stage 4 cancer. Out of nowhere, I felt as if something was behind me. I looked towards the doorway to the living room and something about 4’6” tall black figure was peeking around the corner, with its hands on the door frame. I ran towards it, and it slipped back around the door. When I got outside the doorway, there was nothing. My dad was completely confused when I told him about it. But people who stayed at my house in my dad’s final days claimed to have seen it. My mom saw the figure on multiple occasions in multiple places until he passed away. We haven’t seen it ever since.”

The Little Hands


“The street that I once lived in had strange things going on. A few homes away from our home lived a family. One night, the daughter went to bed with a bad headache and passed away the next morning. After her funeral, my family went away to get their minds off the tragedy. At their home, my mom saw a grand piano and she wanted to play it. As she was playing it, she felt something brush her ankles multiple times. She told my uncle what had happened, and he turned white. He said that his daughter used to play a game with her father. When he played the piano, she’d crawl underneath, grab his ankles and push his feet up and down on the pedals.”

A Call From The Dead


“My grandmother died of brain cancer about twenty years ago. About two weeks after she died I was hanging out over at my parent’s place and my mom got a call–no number, no unknown number, just blank caller ID. She answered it, got quiet, hung up, and went to her room without saying anything. When I finally got her to talk about it she said it was her mother, saying she was trapped and please come get her because they wouldn’t let her leave, over and over again, and then the phone disconnected. I asked her about it a few years ago and she denied that it happened for a bit and then admitted that it had happened two more times that year and then stopped, but she didn’t want to discuss it anymore.”

The Mysterious Ouija Board


“My two best friends (M and L for this story) and I played the Ouija board at M’s house. It was going fine until M asked the spirit how it had died and it said ’murder.’ She asked how it had been murdered and it said ’you will know.’ It gave its name as something older that I can no longer remember and gave us a date in the 1800s. Suddenly, all of us started to feel heavy in our chests. The whole room felt different, and the little thing on the board was ripped out of our hands and went across the room. We stopped playing immediately after that. And within a week, M’s mom died because of a heart attack. It still gives us chills.”

Well, we bet you had a spooky time reading these stories!

Feature Image: Twitter

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