Actress Divyanka Tripathi Dahiya who rose to fame with Ekta Kapoor’s daily soap, Yeh Hai Mohabbatain is all set to make her web debut. She is playing a chef in Alt Balaji’s new show, Coldd Lassi Aur Chicken Masala. Divyanka will be seen opposite another popular face from the telly land, actor Rajeev Khandelwal, who is known for his role in Left Right Left. According to the trailer of the show, it involves a good amount of cooking on the actor’s ends. However, in a recent interview, the actress revealed that she had to take classes for chopping and tossing vegetables!
When asked by a news website about how it felt to transition from the role of a doctor to a chef, Divyanka responded saying it was a wonderful journey but she had to learn a few basics. “It was a wonderful journey. I learnt new things. When I was playing a dentist on the show, I actually learnt a few things about being a dentist, how to hold the instruments, how a cavity looks like and how to treat it. I learnt these few basics. But when you have to turn a full-time chef, you have to actually cook. It was far more difficult. I took some classes for cutting, chopping and tossing the vegetables. I had to handle a lot of knives and pans on screen,” Divyanka said.
“I also worked on my look because I had to look different from anything I had done before. I changed my hairstyle and my body type,” Divyanka added referring to the fact that she had to get fitter for the role.
Divyanka also revealed that in real life, she isn’t even fond of cooking and prefers outdoor activities any day. In fact, she said that it has been three years since she cooked anything for her husband, actor Vivek Dahiya. “I am not fond of cooking. I am more fond of acting and doing outdoor activities. At home, I prefer to do dishes and clean but cooking is not my forte. But this new show has taught me a lot and now I am feeling motivated to cook. This is very unusual that in the last three years, I didn’t cook anything for my husband. After working on this show, I have actually prepared 4-5 food items for him. That’s quite an improvement,” said Divyanka.
Divyanka and Vivek went from being co-stars on Yeh Hai Mohabbatain to husband and wife. The two were last seen together in the dance reality show Nach Baliye 8, which the couple won.
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