Tiger Shroff and Disha Patani were once considered Bollywood’s hottest couple. They were spotted doing everything together often—from going on vacations to attending red-carpet events. Their whirlwind romance almost convinced us that another big fat Bollywood shaadi was about to happen. But in 2022, rumours of their breakup made headlines and left their fans heartbroken. Post this, they were hardly seen together which added more fuel to the fire. However, Disha and Tiger fans were in for a sweet treat after they were recently seen together at an event.
Reportedly, they were in Delhi for an MMA(Mixed Martial Arts) event hosted by Tiger’s sister Krishna Shroff who was there as well. Videos and pictures of both the actors sitting together and interacting with each other have now gone viral. This has fans convinced that the two are back together. Here, take a look:
Tiger and Disha’s fans waiting for them to get back soon. Take a look at the comments:
When Tiger Shroff’s Mom Spoke About His Relationship
Tiger Shroff’s mom Ayesha Shroff once appeared for an interview and made some shocking revelations about their rumoured relationship. When asked about a rumour that she heard about Tiger and found amusing, she said, “That he was dating Disha.” Ayesha further added she did not believe any of it and that she continues to be friends with Disha. She concluded by saying “Yeah, they are like best friends.”
Honestly, we are happy to see Disha and Tiger together after so long. We love how they both still share a cordial relationship with each other!
Featured Image: Instagram
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