Ever since the fame of telly world, Disha Parmar announced her pregnancy, she’s kept us all hooked on the journey. Along with having the best of times with her hubby, Rahul Vaidya, she’s making sure to set some major maternity fashion inspo for her fellow mommies-to-be. While we’ve been in awe of all her preggo looks of late, it’s her latest swimsuit attire from her Goa vacay that actually took the cake!
Taking to her ‘Gram handle, the Bade Achhe Lagte Hain actress dropped a snippet where she could be seen chilling by the pool in a red hot swimsuit. The cutesy monokini by MomSoon featured a plunging neckline and perfectly flaunted her baby bump. Not to mention, it was her pregnancy glow that added chaar chaand to the whole vibe of the picture. Captioning her photo, Disha wrote, “One splash at a time!” Here, take a look:
Safe to say, Disha raised the temperature and the bar for maternity fashion pretty high!
More About Disha’s Oh-So-Lovely Maternity Lewks!
When Disha wore the hottest LBD in her pregnancy post, we were sure the mommy-to-be was about to give us some of the prettiest maternity looks. And guess what, we weren’t wrong! Take a look:
Whatta diva! Here’s hoping we get to see her lil one, soon.
Feature Image: Instagram
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