After waiting for months, Dipika Kakar and Shoaib Ibrahim welcomed their baby boy on June 21. However, the first few moments of this new phase are far from perfect for the couple. Their baby was born premature and the child was first placed in an incubator for his quick recovery.
Since the arrival of their son, Dipika and Shoaib spoke about how they were not ready for the early delivery. In their vlog, the couple shared their journey with the fans and it is every bit emotional. Shoaib said, “Our son was born the next day of my birthday and it was a premature birth. This is the reason why he is in NICU (Neonatal intensive care unit), but he is improving every day.” The Anjooni star also added that Dipika had to go for an emergency C-section for the delivery. It all happened right after the couple went home after celebrating Shoaib’s birthday. The same night Dipika went into labour and they had to get her admitted to the hospital.
Later, Dipika also spoke about how they all were taken by surprise by her early labour. She said, “I am doing better, but it will take some time for me to recover. I was also a premature baby, so my mom could relate to my situation. Every day I see him improving, and that gives me happiness.” Dipika added that everyone was planning for a July baby, but then things were not in their hands anymore. Scroll down to know what all Dipika and Shoaib have to say about their baby:
Watching Dipika and Shoaib praying for the well-being of their child is heartbreaking, to say the least. It is never easy to see your child suffer, especially when he is literally just a baby. I hope they reunite with their baby soon!
Featured Image: Instagram
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