The 37-year-old actress, Dia Mirza, who was last seen playing Manyata Dutt in the film Sanju made an announcement today that has come as a shock to many. In an Instagram post, the actress and her film producer husband, Sahil Sangha, who co-owns her production house, Born Free Entertainment announced that they are separating. The couple, who tied the knot on October 18, 2014, has decided to call off their relationship of 11 years, out of which they were married for five years.
In the post, the actress stated that the two have made a mutual decision to part ways, “After 11 years of sharing our lives and being together, we have mutually decided to separate. We remain friends and will continue to be there for each other with love and respect. While our journeys may lead us down different paths, we are forever grateful for the bond that we share with each other,” she wrote.
While the two haven’t explicitly said that they have gotten a divorce, reports suggest that they are heading there. In her Instagram stories, the actress, who is the United Nations Environment Goodwill Ambassador for India shared a clip of her favourite song, which Sahil Sangha reposted. Which is why this announcement came as a shock to their Instagram followers.
In an interview about a year ago, the actress, who doesn’t have any biological children, discussed that she and her husband were keen on adopting children instead of procreating. “The big question is should we be having a child of our own? Won’t we be adding to the exploding population? An adopted child can nurture the maternal instinct, but then you can’t fight nature right? So many questions between the head and the heart, but I am sure we will arrive at a conclusion because I want to,” the actress told a newspaper. “It’s a serious dialogue we’ve engaged in, but honestly, we haven’t arrived at any conclusion. But we would like to adopt children. There’s no uncertainty about that,” she added.
While that may not be the case anymore, we’d love to see Dia Mirza follow Sushmita Sen’s lead and adopt!
Featured Image: Instagram
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