When it comes to Bollywood’s nepotism debate, all eyes turn to Alia Bhatt. For the longest time, the actress has been facing the wrath of social media, for being born into a film family. While lately, Alia has become less stressed about the social media trolls, it wasn’t always the case.
I stumbled upon a video of Alia from 2020 in which she lost her cool over the nepotism debate.
During the actors’ round table discussion, the Highway star lamented the way social media turned into a toxic battlefield for star kids. Alia said, “Nepo, Nepo Kid, this that and oh my god, she is so this and that. I get snakes constantly on my pictures, and like what have I done.” Scroll down for the video:
Allow me to provide a little context here. Following the untimely death of Sushant Singh Rajput, social media turned aggressive towards star kids, especially Alia Bhatt. In 2020, the actress faced an immense amount of hate and negativity, along with her Bollywood godfather, Karan Johar. No wonder Alia couldn’t hold back her emotions in the discussion.
Alia later added, “I can’t keep defending myself verbally. And if you don’t like me, don’t watch me. I can’t help it. That’s something I can’t do [anything about]. People have something to say. Hopefully, I will prove to them with my movies that I am actually worth the space I occupy.”
Deepika’s Reaction Is Unmissable!
However, the thing that absolutely sent me was Deepika Padukone’s reaction to the whole conversation. She kept quiet throughout and didn’t respond to Alia’s statement.
But I guess Deepika was just giving Alia the space to voice her opinion!
Plus, Alia has proved her mettle as an actress in the past couple of years and doesn’t even need to justify herself anymore!
Feature Image: Instagram
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