While the world was busy drooling over Ranveer Singh‘s perfectly chiselled hot bod in Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani, his wife, Deepika Padukone dropped an unexpected thirst trap on her Instagram! The actress effortlessly shifted the attention on her as she posted a BTS picture of herself in a bikini and took the internet by storm. She flaunted her toned abs in a black-and-white two-piece that was loosely wrapped with a sarong. This picture reminded us of all the other times the Queen has left us in awe with her swimsuit looks. So get ready to be inspired and ride the fashion tide with Deepika’s best beach-perfect looks over the years!
The Saving Factor Of Race 2!
We can all agree that Deepika’s hot body and sexy avatar was the only saving factor in Race 2. In the film, the actress can be seen wearing a dark green bikini with cool round shades, and TBH, this was one of the best parts of the movie.
The Iconic Red Bikini In Cocktail
Cocktail may not have done amazingly well at the box office, but we’ll forever be grateful to the film for giving us a character like Veronica. Deepika’s character, Veronica gave us some of the most fierce looks. But her red bikini look was one of the most iconic ones at the time, and for good reason.
Deepika Padukone Or The Sunshine?
Even though Pathaan was a major comeback film for Shah Rukh Khan, when we think of the movie now, Besharam Rang is the first thing to spring to mind. Ever since the song was released, DP’s stunning looks broke the internet. Especially her Louisa Ballou Sex Wax yellow monokini that took over the first frame itself.
Metallic Marvel!
PeeCee popularised the gold swimsuit in Dostana, but Deepika took it to a whole new level in Pathaan. DP looked like a million bucks in a metallic gold monokini by Norma Kamali.
DP’s Bikini Surprise In Housefull
The first time Deepika ever wore a bikini on screen was in 2010 for the film Housefull. The diva took everyone by surprise as she flaunted her body in the song Oh Girl, You’re Mine wearing a green bikini top paired with a fringed yellow tie-around.
Queen Cleopatra
Besharam Rang wasn’t the first time DP donned metallic swimwear. Even during her modelling days, the actress posed in a metallic gold bikini that came with a strapless top that was attached to the bottom with a loopy chain.
Babe In Blue
If you compare DP’s body now to her modelling days, it seems like she hasn’t changed one bit. In her teenage years, the diva posed for a magazine in a blue and red two-piece that came with a polka dot bottom.
Deepika Padukone has been in the glamm industry for nearly two decades and it’s safe to say that the actress’ sex appeal has not changed one bit! Agree?
Feature Image: Instagram
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