
Is Dandruff The Real Reason Behind Your Hair Fall?

Eden Noronha  |  Jun 29, 2023
Is Dandruff The Real Reason Behind Your Hair Fall?

Dandruff is a universal hair concern. No matter which part of the world you live in, or what your hair type is, it creeps up on you and your scalp. Dandruff is unpleasant, no doubt. The white flakes just sitting on your favourite LBD don’t really pose well, especially when you have to go out. But, along with being a little unsightly, it is a major concern that can be the trigger to many other hair woes. One of the biggest concerns experts get asked is whether ‘dandruff causes hair fall’, and the answer isn’t all that simple.

Think of your hair as a plant, the follicles rooted in the scalp as the roots, and the scalp as the soil. If the soil itself is contaminated, the plant and its roots get affected too. Similarly, dandruff is a fungal infection or a buildup of oil and hair products that often results in dryness and flakiness of the scalp. If left untreated, the inflammation caused by dandruff on your scalp can impact the way your hair grows and its quality and health as well.

Dandruff & Thinning Hair: Does One Lead To The Other

So, does dandruff cause hair thinning? The answer is yes and no. While the average human does lose up to 100 strands of hair a day, losing a lot of hair regularly can pose an issue. Hair thinning usually occurs when you end up losing a whole lot of hair, over a long period of time. This results in a decrease in the volume of hair.

While dandruff doesn’t directly lead to hair thinning, it can contribute to it. The inflammation caused by dandruff can push a person to scratch their scalp. Excessive scratching can often lead to damaging hair follicles, in turn resulting in hair fall and eventually thinning. 

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Does Dandruff Cause Baldness?

If you’re experiencing hair fall due to dandruff and are worried about balding, then let’s put your worries to rest. While dandruff does create an inflamed environment for your hair to grow, it doesn’t directly lead to hair loss or balding. Hair loss, like hair fall, can be caused by scratching. When you scratch your head, you tend to tug on the hair follicles and weaken them. Plus, inflammation on the scalp weakens your hair strands, which can increase shedding.

When it comes to hair fall due to dandruff, it is important to note that while dandruff isn’t the healthiest environment for your hair to grow in, it doesn’t directly contribute to hair fall and hair loss. Here are a few ways in which you can combat dandruff.

Pick The Right Anti-Dandruff Haircare Products

The St. Botanica Anti-dandruff Pre-biotic Shampoo is one of the best-clarifying shampoos to remove dandruff from your scalp. It has no harsh surfactants and makes my scalp feel minty and fresh.

If you’re wondering which hair conditioner is best for treating dandruff, try the St. Botanica Anti-dandruff Pre-biotic Conditioner. It effectively soothes the hair and scalp and helps reduce dandruff.

Whenever dandruff invades my hair, a good scalp serum like the St. Botanica Anti-dandruff Pre-biotic Scalp Serum is my go-to. It instantly soothes my itchy scalp and fights the bacteria.

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