There are two types of guys you meet on dating apps these days – one, gentlemen (which is super rare) and two, the CREEPS! Unfortunately, like it or not, the creeps are ruling the dating app world today. They’re forever bombarding a woman’s inbox with inappropriate vegetable emojis, asking for ‘bob pics’ and turning into stalkers once they meet us in person. Dear men, none of these gestures are attractive to us ladies. I asked a few women to share some of their weirdest, creepiest dating app experiences with me, here’s what they said
Creepy Dating App Experiences That Will Make You Go WTF!
Brace yourself, these situations really make you reconsider signing up for that dating app.
He Hit On All My Friends The First Time He Met Them
I haven’t gone on too many dates after meeting people on dating apps, and the reason is that somehow it never ends well for me. The one time I thought it was going to be different, the guy ended up hitting on practically all my friends the first time he met them while I was around (this was after we’d gone on some six pretty decent dates). We were all super creeped out by it and while I know this isn’t the worst thing that can happen to someone on a dating site, it was still very weird and off-putting. Especially since later when I confronted him, he flew into a sort of scary rage and created a scene in public. Since then, I’ve decided that I’m just going to date people who come recommended by friends in some way, shape, or form.
– Anonymous
It Quickly Took A Dark Turn When He Breached My Boundaries
I’ve been on many dating app dates over the years and I had never had a bad experience. Well, until I did. Since then I have never been on a date with a stranger I met online because that’s how much it jolted me. We both swiped each other right and it was a match. I liked his profile and he seemed interesting to talk to, which is why I agreed to give him my number and take the chats forward. We would regularly text each other and would even FaceTime sometimes because he told me texting wasn’t his forte. We went out a couple of times for dinners and had a lot to talk about in terms of common interests.
One day he insisted on dropping me home after which I said goodnight and walked inside. All this while I was seeing two other boys as well (I like to keep things light and dating multiple men is my way to do that). One day he randomly showed up at my doorstep to surprise me and sat and chatted with him too. Then this became a regular feature, whenever I would not answer his phone he would turn up at my door with chocolates, Chinese takeaway or flowers. I finally put across my point that I didn’t appreciate him turning up uninvited to my house, it was a breach of boundaries. This made him livid and he threw a fit in my living room saying that he’s seen other boys coming to my house as well and that I wasn’t faithful to him. Finally, I had to call my friends to my house to make him leave, told him that I would never see him again, blocked his number and told my parents about the fiasco in case he would continue to trouble me. Thankfully, he didn’t. But I’m still a little scared, TBH.
Anandita Malhotra, Sr. Features Writer
I Was Treated Like A Number
I met this really cute guy on a dating app and decided to meet him after chatting online for a few days. We went to a coffee shop and talked about a lot of stuff. I liked his company and it seemed he was enjoying talking to me too. After hanging out for a few hours, we took leave. He told me he will stick around a little because he had to finish some really important work. So I booked a taxi and went out to wait for it. The driver, however, cancelled at the last moment and the next cab showed a waiting time of 20 minutes. So I decided to just roam around a little in the mall to pass my time. As I was passing by the same coffee shop, I saw him sitting there with another girl. Later on confrontation, he told me that he had planned multiple dates in a row on the same day just for the fun of it! We never spoke again.
– Anonymous
Thank U, Next
Note to self: Never judge a person by their dating profile picture. I learned this the hard way when I swiped right on this one good lookin’ fella. We decided to meet at a tea cafe in Bandra. He looked as good as he looked in his pictures, BUT, when he opened his mouth, only garbage came out. He was sexist, rude and very touchy-feely. This made me feel uncomfortable. During our date, I secretly texted a friend to bail me out. The friend came to our table, gave me the tightest hug ever and sneakily invited me to an after-party. My date overheard the after-party bit and asked if he could join us too. (This had to be the most awkward situation I have ever been in) All three of us in a cab to SoBo were heading to my friend’s house party. As the night progressed, he got really tipsy and tried to force himself on me. Luckily my friends came to my rescue and pushed him off of me. They called for an Uber for him and asked him to leave in the middle of the night. So much drama happened that night! A year has gone by and this dating app guy shot me a text yesterday saying, ‘Wanna Hang?” (GUTTSSS) I blocked him for good.
– Sharon Alphonso, Sr. Features Writer
Stalker Much?
A few years ago, my friends convinced me to join a dating app. I had just broken up, they thought it would be a good distraction, so I played along. I spoke to this guy who seemed pretty normal at first; well-educated had lived outside the country, pretty straight forward stuff. So I decided to meet him for lunch. At first, things were fine. We talked about our work, what we liked doing; he wasn’t from the city so he wanted to know where he could hang out and I gave him a few recommendations. Next thing you know, the questions became more personal. How many people I had dated? What are my fantasies etc.? That made me very uncomfortable, and I told him that I didn’t know him well enough to tell him that. But he laughed it off. Thankfully, the date ended and I left. But the next few days were super creepy. He started following me on Instagram, replying to my stories with emojis, asking me who I was with and when I’m going to see him. Basically, he was being a jealous boyfriend without the boyfriend part. I decided to block him from everywhere, and that what was that. Thank god I’ve not bumped into him since.
– Anonymous
Arey, Abhi Toh mile hai?
I am not the kind of person who likes dating apps but I downloaded one after I lost a bet to one of my friends. One day, when I was sitting idle, I decided to try it out. I was randomly going through a few profiles after which I saw this really cute guy whose bio looked quite nice. I decided to message him and after almost a week of talking to each other, we decided to meet.
We went out to a terrace cafe and decided to drink. I had a long tiring day after work and was really looking forward to having a good conversation. After a few drinks, this boy turned out to be a hopeless romantic. Now a lot of people might think there is nothing wrong with that but hello!! I was on my first date. He started talking about how he can see me walk down the aisle and how I will look great in a pink wedding dress.
It got worse with every drink he had and I eventually had to lie about getting late. I am sure he was very serious about getting married in the near future but I was not the right person and definitely not in the first meeting. I mean who does that?
– Anonymous
Which of these creepy experiences made you go, “For Real, Bro?!”
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