
#FearFactorFriday: 7 Common Sexual Phobias That You’ll Not Believe Exist For Real

Krithika Kumar  |  Aug 28, 2020
#FearFactorFriday: 7 Common Sexual Phobias That You’ll Not Believe Exist For Real

Fear is involuntary. You can get sucked into the fear of something, anything, without even knowing you’ve developed it. All this while, we have fondly talked about sex, but did you know that some people are actually scared of it? Yes, you read that right! One might wonder what it means to be ‘scared of sex’ or physical intimacy, but honestly, it is what it is. Call it irrational, weird, whatever you want, but the fact remains–fear is involuntary.

While some phobias are because of bad sexual history, others are simply in-born. So today, we are listing down seven sexual phobias that exist, for real, in the world.

7 Types Of Sexual Phobias

We all may be scared of something or the other during sex. From catching a UTI to worrying about the condom breaking to a particular sex position–none of these can be compared to the ones we have listed below! Read on!



Erotophobia is the fear of anything related to sex. It could about the sexual partner, a conversation about sex or even a mention of the word sex.


People who have genophobia are super scared of sexual intercourse. They may love talking about sex in general but never actually go beyond kissing or foreplay when they’re at it.


If you know someone who cringes at the thought of having a baby, they might have tocophobia. This fear, however, lets one have and enjoy sex but will turn them off even at the mention of babies.



Oneirogmophobia is also known as the fear of wet dreams. While wet dreams are something that no man or woman can control, there are people who are extremely scared of them.


No, this is not the fear of men. It is a fear of menstruation and can occur in both men and women. In women, that panic before you’re about to get your period, that’s this! Whereas in men, even the thought of period blood can be fearsome.


Paraphobia is a fear of sexual perversion. It is a rather complicated phobia. Some people fear that they are perverted while others worry about the perversions of their partner. Paraphobia can occur, sometimes, because of the upbringing too.



People who are gymnophobic are scared of nudity. They suffer from undue anxiety i.e. they know their fear is irrational. It could be a fear of seeing others naked, being naked or both.

How many of these fears did you know about already?

Featured Image: Unsplash

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