
This Is How Instagram Influencers Are Using A Coca Cola Bottle To Curl Their Hair Perfectly

Urvi Shah  |  Sep 12, 2022
This Is How Instagram Influencers Are Using A Coca Cola Bottle To Curl Their Hair Perfectly

Don’t have a curling-iron — or even curlers? No flat-iron? Okay — I’m gonna propose something crazy to you. If you’re in a hurry, and cannot find the right tools to curl your hair, you’re going to want to reach out for that can of Coca Cola sitting in your refrigerator. Trust me. Empty it out, and wash it thoroughly. You’re now ready and well-equipped to curl your hair. Here’s how.

The Perfect Curl Is (Sometimes) Courtesy Of An Unassuming Coca Cola Can

Yes — visuals of influencers lowering chunks of their hair into an empty can of Coca Cola have claimed much of Instagram’s real-estate these past few weeks. The trend promises to endow you with a perfectly-curled piece of hair without the involvement of curlers or curling-irons. It involves stuffing a piece of your hair into a bottle, swirling the bottle around a couple of times, and applying heat to the chunk from the outside through a blow-dryer. The end-result is the appearance of a curl that looks like it just has waltzed right out of the salon.

Many have debunked the legitimacy of the trend because of how superficial it looks; but others have attested to its credibility by putting it to the test. There are no instructions on executing the trend, but you can hit the can with a blast of cold air right before extracting your hair from it. This extends the curl’s longevity — hairstylists say. Don’t forget to begin with hair that is damp for the hack to truly work. You can mist it a little bit with some water. And heat-protect before starting. You can style your hair with a curl-inducing or volume-inducing product to bolster the hack’s effectiveness. Do keep the blow-dryer at an angle as demonstrated by both influencers.

An older iteration of the trend involved employing a bottle of water into the dynamic in lieu of a can. Yup — curling hair with a bottle. All you have to do is cut a hole on the side of the bottle — one large enough for the nozzle of the blow-dryer to fit into — before cutting the top of the bottle off — so you can insert your hair into it. Twist your hair, and stick it into the bottle before fitting the blow-dryer in the hole, and plugging in the device. There you go — water-bottle curls within seconds.

Beware — if the bottle is too thin, the plastic can melt into your hair. Make sure you’re using a thicker bottle, and not going overboard with the heat. And, obviously, don’t begin with straightened hair.

Heat Protect With…

Style With…

Hey — not every hack is perfect, and no one’s claiming that this one works wonders. But when you have no option at all, resorting to the bizarre isn’t a shame. It’s brave. I commend you.

Featured Image: Instagram

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