
‘Boob Nails’ Exist For A Reason And You MUST Know Why!

Isheeta Sharma  |  Jul 12, 2017
‘Boob Nails’ Exist For A Reason And You MUST Know Why!

Did you ever think your nail art could make a statement against sexism? No? Well, it’s time to think again! ‘Free The Nipple’ is an ongoing campaign for gender equality which started in 2012 and asserts that women should be allowed to bare their nipples in public and the female body should not be considered indecent or a taboo.

To stand by this movement, New York based nail artist Mei Kawajiri came up with the idea of boob nail art on her instagram page. The picture has boobs of all shapes, sizes, different skin tones and even with and without piercings.

Kawajiri’s model Erose Aziza posted the picture with a ‘#FreeTheNipple’ caption and hence, making it a statement more than just a trend with a strong message simply through her caption.

However, this is not where the story ends. The trend which started last month spread like wildfire to the point that within a few days, nail art connoisseur Asa Bree Sieracki from Portland took to her instagram feed and posted a video of her 3D boob nail art that was created back in February but came into existence in the social media world only in June. Again, Sieracki’s nail art has breasts of all sizes with some pierced and others not, in bras and bralettes or without.

Though this trend cum statement has picked up all over the world, India has seen very little of the ‘Free The Nipple’ campaign even as celebrities like Priya Malik and Saloni Chopra, among others, have joined the movement.

Image: Priya Malik on Instagram (left) and Saloni Chopra on Instagram (right)

After this innovative stand, however, we are definitely looking forward to what lies in store next in this fight against sexism. Beauty might just be skin deep but it sure knows how to make a statement or two!

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